Saturday, November 05, 2011

Lessons From a Wedding

There are a lot of wonderful things about being involved with the ministry of Young Life. It is such a blessing to see God at work in the lives of the 'target audience' of high school students--but one of the richest rewards for our family has been the special relationships we have developed with the college students who serve as leaders. It is amazing to watch a young person mature from an 18-19 year old college freshman to a young adult/college graduate.

Our family has a particularly special bond with the group of leaders who graduated from college this past Spring. This group was selected and trained by Sweeney. They kept the ministry going during Sweeney's frequent absences as he battled cancer. We walked through mourning his death together and rebuilding the ministry. We traveled to the Dominican Republic together last Spring. We have watched as they mulled graduate school versus entering this difficult job market. We have done real life.

Yesterday afternoon we witnessed the wedding of one of our special long time leaders, Taylor. She & I share a passion for social work and have served side by side at the group home. She has been a frequent babysitter to my children and a special friend to me. I have loved walking through her courtship with Harris through our coffee dates, prayers and excitement as it became clear he was 'the one.' It was a treat for my family to be asked to serve as greeters at their wedding.

It was so touching to watch the wedding through the eyes of my children, who recalled many of the elements of the only other wedding they have attended. P was all about our role as greeters. He loved the responsibility of handing out the programs to arriving guests. R was obsessed with what the groom might do to the bride during the 'cake fight.' And, K? She was 100% all about the bride. She has never been overly interested in princesses, so it was surprisingly touching to see how transfixed she was by the bride. She was quite simply captivated!

As I watched K watch the bride and take it all in--I was so thrilled that her exposure to courtship and marriage was so Christ-centered. I listened with new ears to the words spoken during the ceremony. During the pastor's homily he made a great point. He wished the new couple lots of laughter, but he also wished them their share of tears--because, he acknowledged, it is the tears that will be the reminders of their need for Christ. The tears, when shared together and before the cross, will be the circumstances that draw them close and sanctify them.

As I am watching marriages close to me crumble, I am reminded of this truth. I wish we as a society did a better job of presenting the total package of marriage (not just the extremes of Disney fairytale or sarcastic sitcom fodder).

In a Christian marriage there is the security of the covenant vows we make to one another, there is the joy of sharing life with your best friend, there is the peace of knowing someone is always there as your #1 fan...but LIFE still happens, the rains still come and fairy tales are never without their crisis moments. I wish young couples knew that when these choppy waters are navigated together with Christ at the helm they can be amazingly strengthening--and the source of great lessons about the person of Christ.

The beauty of marriage is not in the avoidance of conflict, but in the overcoming--and we can't do that alone. The Lord is our champion. We must allow Him to be at the center of our marriage--and have our unions be characterized by fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control.

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4: 9,12 NIV


Ashley said...

So thankful for your post, as a newly married 2 weeks we waged through some major events of life during our engagement. Through it all I knew the Lord had a plan, truly our wedding day was a gift straight from heaven the clouds were perfect with the gorgeous blue sky and I married my best friend. The Lord had led us through some tough waters and on the day we committed our life to one another he gave us a sweet gift of a beautiful day. We were married outside in the gardens and I looked at no one as I walked the aisle but at my man and felt an overwhelming sense of amazement in that beautiful day that God gave us. Truly it was magical and we know very well rough times will be ahead, one in particular will occur sooner than later as his grandfather is in his final stages of this life. I was reminded today as I watched my husbands grandparents love one another as they have done for 60 plus years and it hit me that this side of heaven is not always fun, but it is so much better to do it with another one by your side. So glad you all had a wonderful time at the wedding. God is so good to unite 2 hearts who love him first and one another. All the way from Texas you again bless me with your writing. Praying for your friends whose marriages are crumbling. There is no perfect relationship, but it is worth it all to fight to stay together. Blessings, Ashley

MamaBear said...

Amen!!!! What a great example your kids got to witness. I'm reading Sacred Marriage right now so marriage is high on my radar right now.

Marti said...

Enjoyed your insight on weddings and marriage. Thank you

Lori said...

Loved this. Just finished writing on my blog the story of my marriage. It has not been all fairytale but God who is the redeemer of all things when we let Him be as turned it into a fairytail for me. a Fairytail of real life, real loss, and convent love.

Lori said...
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MEGAN said...

I just wanted you to know that during the most difficult parts of my marriage I have been reminded by your (God's) words on this blog, and the truths you tell about marriage. Thank you. Thank you. This is a ministry that you are engaged in, and I know I am not the only one benefiting from it!