Saturday, November 05, 2011

Real Life is Beautiful

Our family was blessed to be part of a very special wedding this afternoon. Since the children were all gussied up, I thought I would try to snag a special photo for Christmas cards. That didn't exactly happen.
Not by a long shot...
But thank goodness, when I got frustrated that my plan was crumbling, my husband kept shooting...because these pictures
with real life
real joy
and their real bond captured...
These pictures make me smile.
I am thankful I snapped out of 'my plan' in time to enjoy these moments...because the light, the was beautiful.
Oh, what joy if we would learn to stop stressing out about 'posing' our lives and joyfully let the real stuff unfold. I am realistic enough to know that it is not possible all the time. But for things that don't really a Christmas card, is a lesson I would do well to remember.
Because I am pretty sure 15-20 years from now, having a Mommy that loved, laughed, and smiled more than she snapped will certainly be more meaningful to these little hearts than a perfect Christmas card.


The Gillaspie Family said...

Oh my goodness....I soooo needed to read this...we are gearing up for the big photo shoot next weekend and I am stressing over what we are going to wear. I think the shots you got today are just perfect! :)

Marti said...

I just found your blog, and enjoyed the pictures of those adorable children. I also read your story. It was very inspiring. Thank you for sharing. Drop by and visit me, if you are in the neighborhood.

Love Being A Nonny said...

Save picture #1 for their weddings and use picture #3 for your Christmas card. For years I struggled and sweated over the card picture. you are so right, so right!

Deidre said...

I love these! In my opinion, they are perfect Christmas card material ;)