Thursday, February 15, 2007

Days 14 & 15 Kindness & Generosity

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. I Thessalonians 5:15

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. I Timothy 6:18

Lord, I pray that you will imprint kindness on my children's souls so that their lives may be marked by the way they treat others with respect and love. Compel them, Father, to be generous with their time, talents and resources. May they never forget that you are the source of all they are and all they have. Grant them the ability to be cheerful givers who feel blessed to be able to bless others with that which you have entrusted to them. Amen.


Erin said...

I love this prayer and prayed it along with you as I read. I would so love to see a generous heart in my boys, but so often all I see is "Mine!" Thanks. said...

What a nice devotion. I sent this on to my husband. Thanks for upliftment!

Krista said...

Hi! I just stumble upon your blog through Susie's! I really enjoyed reading your story about how you and your husband met! Yoou really have great writing skills! Your blog is very cute!

Deidre said...

I love this. What a special prayer!

Phyllis R. said...


Hi! I found your blog (by way of BooMama)about a week ago and I have seriously spent every single spare minute going back and reading ALL of your posts! Every. Single. One. (!) I'm a mom, too (of two teenage boys)and I really love your mom's heart. And your children?? Oh my word. How many ways can you say the word "precious"? :) They are adorable. AND PRECIOUS! : )

I don't have a blog, but I do read several and yours is now a new "must read".

Thanks so much, and nice to "meet" you!

Phyllis R.