Friday, February 16, 2007

Best Buddies

Collaboration and friendship seem to be becoming more prominent these days...what a blessing! The kiddos finally seem to really be enjoying one another. Their conversations continue to overwhelm me with emotion (laughter, thanksgiving, wonder...)
K loves to run into a room where the boys are and loudly inquire, "What are you doin', guys?" It never fails to make me giggle.

This morning when I went into the nursery to get them out of their cribs, K was leaning over the side rail chatting with R who was doing the same thing from his crib. She looked up at me and said, "We are talkin' 'bout sunsets and our mommy."


LMLogan said...

do you live in VA and starting a new members class at a church in chesapeake?? if so I KNOW YOU!! :)
I think we watched your little ones last Sunday! :) It's a small world! I got your blog from an old friend from Guam!

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

So precious! I don't have triplets, but my oldest two are 17 months apart. And even though at first it was hard..... it paid off to have them so close together. They are BEST friends. There are days I can't imagine what they would do without eachother. They do everything together (and yes they fight too) But the good out ways the bad by far!!!!

I pray you little ones become best friends too! And enjoy watching their relationships grow. It only gets better;)

Ivey's Mom said...

Great pictures!! I am sure that their enjoyment of one another gives you a small breather from being the actual play toy. Congrats. You are doing an awesome job!

keri said... so precious. i love the talking about sunsets and mommy quote.

Alison said...

There is nothing so satisfying than the knowledge that your children are growing closer all the time. Looking out for each other, and actualy taking each others feelings into account.

Big Mama said...

There are very few things that could make me want triplets, but this post is one of them. Those pictures and their friendship is just precious.

Phyllis R. said...

I agree with Big Mama. I have never, ever thought about having triplets (or even twins); my two, born 25 months apart seemed like plenty! BUT, you and your sweet family make it seem like big FUN! I love that they were just hanging over their crib rails, chatting. Such sweet things they were talking about. They seem like really special little people.

Mayhem And Miracles said...

Do your cuties ALWAYS look like the cover of the "GAP Kids" Catalogue?! Just wondering......


Sarah said...

They melt my heart everytime they say something like this--and the wagon is too funny!

Anonymous said...

My kids have those same boots! I love to hear kid conversations. My older two are 5 and 3 and they have the funniest talks. Mine talk about God and the Justice League. Oh, and Sleeping Beauty.