Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Birth of Christ Explained

This morning the children and I took a last minute shopping trip to the Dollar Tree for gifts for Daddy and the pets. As we were leaving, K's voice from the backseat asked, "Mama, how did they get the baby Jesus out of Mary's tummy?"
"The same way you came out of mine, babe," I replied.
Without hesitation she retorted, "No, Mama, there was not a Doctor there to cut her tummy open. How did they really get him out?"
And so I gave the children a quick, high level anatomy lesson about the presence of a part they were not previously aware of--such wonderful Christmas conversation.
There were a couple of additional questions about HOW it came from THERE. Then some giggles and "Eeew!"s as I compared it to going potty.
Then R said, "I cannot wait to see all the babies my Mommy (meaning his wife) pways for." (How sweet is that?)
And P added, "I can't wait to see those babies come out!"

You really cannot make this stuff up!

Merry Christmas!


Jenna said...

TOO cute!!

MaryBeth said...

You are so right... we couldn't make up stories like these if we were trying. Because my answer to how do they get the babies out has always been, "the mommy goes to the hospital", after reading about Jesus being born in a stable my 3 year old told me we needed to have a talk. Just like your crew she wanted to know how that happened without a hospital and doctors!! Merry Christmas!

Mc Allen said...

awww, O cUTe!!! thAT Is ONe fOr the JouRnAL!! ♥ LA

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

My 4 year old grandson in his suppertime prayer asked God to "help all the widows find their spouses". Trying to control her laughter and be serious, following the prayer my daughter (his mom) asked him, "Where did you hear about widows?" "Dad told me." Turning to her husband, she asked him about the conversation. Looking slightly annoyed, he said, "He asked me what widows were and I told them they were people who had lost their spouses."

Turning to my grandson, she asked, "So do you know what a spouse is?" to which he replied with slight annoyance, "Of course! It's a cow's head!"

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Aubrey said...

Awesome. We just went through a passel of questions at our house, too. It was fun stuff. Very fun stuff. =)