Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Silent Night?

Well, the preparations at the Scott home are complete. My husband and I have spent a few hours wondering who on Earth created those awful twist-tie things that seem to be used ABUNDANTLY to tie down toys to cardboard packaging. We also decided this is going to be a very noisy Christmas--filled with laughter, squeals and battery-powered sounds of all types!

As I was trying to keep our 'test drives' quiet, I heard Silent Night playing and got to thinking about the night Christ was born. Was it really quiet? I doubt it. There was a census taking place that required such a mass of people that there was no room for the young couple. I imagine the streets were bustling with the throngs of people.

And I can hardly imagine that the stable was a peaceful place, with all the bleating and mooing that was certainly going on. Not to mention this young woman in labor...

I think it was likely that it was a noisy, busy night as opposed to a calm, silent one. And I find that thought somewhat comforting. That is, truly, more like the life I know. More like the lives Christ enters when dealing with people on this Earth.

I also find it fitting to consider that there were thousands of people within the vicinity of the birth of the Savior--and they did not realize it. Jesus was right there, physically close to so many, yet in all their noise and bustle, they missed Him.

Tomorrow it will be anything but silent in our home--but I pray the presence of God will be very real in our noise...not just in our silence. I have no doubt the God of the Universe is able to meet us right smack dab in the middle of life as we know it.

I will be waiting and watching.

Merry Christmas!

EDITED TO ADD: My friend, Keri, sent this breath-taking song to me after I posted these thoughts (Labor of Love by Andrew Peterson and Jill Phillips)


Mary Lou said...

Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours. What a great thought. couldn't believe that you had something posted, but was so glad to read what you wrote. what a comforting thought that it was not quiet but noisy in Bethlem....was quiet out where the shepherds were. you are so right..on the toys...why they put so many of those "ties" on the toys is a mystery to me. I've often thought of the people that have to put them on there...yuck..can't possibly be a machine but then who knows? I know there are plenty of squeals and laughter at your house right now. Heard all of mine last night with the grandchildren. Blessings on hearing all of the laughter and joy.

Heidi Kellems said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

keri said...

hey!! merry christmas to you! have you ever heard the song "Labor of Love" on Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb Christmas cd?? you HAVE to listen to it...its an amazing starts out "it was not a silent night". ...the lyrics are beautiful and it really makes you think about what that night was really like....just as you are talking about!!
(btw...loved the christmas photo you used this year!!)

annieology said...

Yeah, what is with those twisty tie things anyway? Also, have you experienced the need for a screwdriver to get some of those toys out? Those are really annoying.