No documentation of my K's childhood would be complete without multiple stories about Cotton, our female kitten. Cotton is truly the most cooperative feline I have ever encountered. K swaddles her and carries her like a
baby, puts her in a baby doll high chair, Moses basket and even a
potty seat with no problem. Who needs baby dolls when you have a purring, furball this amenable?
Each time she plays with Cotton, K tries to think of new things to 'teach' her. This afternoon I heard giggling that indicated K was up to something. I walked into the playroom to find this...

Apparently Cotton's face is the same size as an American Girl. ;-)
I love my silly, animal and baby doll-loving girl and her furball companion.
Thank you, God, for the gift of a sweet pet that brings my daughter (and me!) so much joy.
You HAVE to send this picture in to a contest! That is adorable!
I agree with Pam. Cotton is staring right at the page as if to say ," of course I'm reading". Awesome
Seriously --- love that picture!
Are those Molly's glasses? =)
Great picture! That is without a doubt what wonderful childhood memories are made of. Our cat, on the other hand, refuses to come out from under the bed if the children are anywhere near her!
That picture is too cute for words!! Definitely frame worthy!!
To CUTE for words!
Love it!!! K is such a cutie and Cotton sounds like the perfect cat for a little girl.
Now that is the most adorable thing ever! You really do have the world's best cat!
My husband are at our breakfast table. I opened your blog and said, "Look at this photo!" My husband, who is a retired photographer said, "That photograph is beautiful." This is certainly a keeper. One to be posted at her wedding. What sweet memories.
That is SO cute! I too LOVE cats so it just melts my heart to see little ones loving on them:)
That is the most darling picture!
I found your blog through Kellys Korner and ready often but rarely comment. I love this picture!!
That is incredibly adorable! :)
That's the cutest thing I've ever seen!
Oh this is so good!
You need to enter that photo into some contest. That is simply adorable. And Cotton seems to be just find with a pair of reading glasses on her face.
-Shannon in Austin
Thanks for sharing this adorable picture and bringing a smile to my day. We also have a very tolerant kitty in our household. We got her as a kitten when our 18 month old was just a newborn (in fact they're birthdays are less than a week apart).
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