Wednesday, September 09, 2009

My Plans, Interrupted

It is not coincidence that I just wrote about 'making plans' versus what God has ordained for our lives. Today I was given a real life application.

My agenda book has blue ink designating what was supposed to happen today. After dropping the children at school, I was to join 30 other women for the kick off of our Fall Bible Study of Esther: Its Tough Being a Woman. I was supposed to be there as one of the small group leaders.

After that, I was supposed to host three fellow Young Life committee members at my house to work on our rapidly approaching fundraising dinner with Allen Levi. 

Tonight I was supposed to be at our church's Fall kickoff of couples small groups and children's choir.  (I had even remembered to make reservations for Wednesday Night Supper!)

Instead a 102 temperature on P around midnight significantly altered my plans for the day.

That's OK, I told myself this morning. The world will spin on without me. I'll send a few e-mails and relish my time with my boy. I am, after all, a stay at home Mom for a reason. This is my priority.

P and I enjoyed a low key day while K & R were off at school. He was feeling fine and his fever had passed. I planned for us to come home and play in the yard and paint on the porch. 

We had just changed into scrubby clothes and were finishing up our snack when our home alarm system started going off. That's strange, I thought. I didn't even have it set. I looked at the keypad and noticed that it said, "Smoke Alarm Upstairs." Uh-oh. 

Ironically, the children and I had just talked about what to do in a fire during breakfast this morning. As I remembered that, it made me a little worried that this might be legitimate. Eeek! I instructed the children to stay put by the back door downstairs while I went up to check it out. I looked around at the smoke and heat detectors and did not notice anything suspicious. As I walked back downstairs I heard the alarm go off again. The keypad had the same message "Smoke Alarm Upstairs." I was now officially concerned.

I heard my cell phone beep and realized I had a new voicemail. It was the security monitoring company. As I called them back I got a text from my husband that said, "Someone called my office and said our house was on fire. What is going on?"

The woman from the monitoring center informed me that the fire department had been dispatched. I evacuated the kids to the driveway, scanned the roof line for any sign of smoke and greeted the 'weal fi-ya-men' that were now walking up my driveway. After issuing strict instruction to my brood to NOT MOVE from under that tree, I escorted the fire fighters into the house to point out the location of the monitors. When I got back down to the children they were exactly where I left them, discussing their evacuation plans if they saw flames. 

The fire fighters did a thorough search of our home and established that it was a false alarm. As they were leaving, I asked them if we could at least have a picture to document our unexpected afternoon adventures. They kindly obliged.

It wasn't until this point that I noticed what P was wearing...a life preserver.

I asked him why he put it on and he replied, "to keep the fire from burning my skin."
His brother, whom I rarely quote because he doesn't say childish things... looked at P, then rubbed his arms. In his deep, raspy voice with a 55 year old man's flat tone he said, "Umm, P, I don't think this would have helped."

Undaunted, P decided to keep wearing it the remainder of the afternoon...just in case.

I >LOVE< 5 year olds!


Traci said...

Wow that's quite a day! I am so impressed you thought to get a picture. Hope all is well tomorrow.

Nicolasa said...

This sure is quite a day! I love the picture and you have me laughing/smiling so big with that last section about the life preserver! I just love what comes out of the mouths of babes!

Lori said...

What a day! Hope your son feels better soon. The picture is very cute! Love all the fun and cute things that kids say. :-)

Mom of Eleven said...

this is a good one!
love it,

Maria(h) said...

Hilarious! I literally laughed out loud and had to share with my husband who also got a good chuckle..
Oh and sounds like you handled the rest of the day pretty well.

Clementsville: Population of 5! said...

Love it!!! They are too precious and how thankful are we that it was just a false alarm!!! I hope P starts to feel better!!

The McBrayer family said...

I just love the things your kids say- they are absolutely too precious. What a day!

Sam said...

I love this post!

S said...

Safety first! Gotta love that P!!!!

elizabeth said...

Hahahaha!...the life preserver. Hilarious. And I love his brother's comment too. Hahahaha.

Sunni said...

That is HILARIOUS!!!! (The life preserver, I mean.... not the false alarm.) What excitement for the kids, though.

Thank you for finding God in every moment of your life. It encourages me to do the same.

Sitesx6 said...

You are a REAL blogger- for taking a picture of the firemen. CUTE.

The best part is your son wearing a LIFE funny!!!!!!!
Made my day.

My plans were all messed up today too. All we can do is try right? Go with the flow,that is my new motto this year.

Jennifer said...

I hope you all notice that I did stop short of pulling out the 'real camera' and settled for using my phone. I really thought about it though. :-)

Amy said...

That was just great.
What an unusual day!

Tee said...

That life vest cracked me up. Children are so funny.

Mindy said...

Thanks for the smile today! That was great!
And I'm glad that P isn't sick!

Thanks for your prayers....I am headed on vacation tomorrow - hopefully for some much needed relaxation. But when I return next week, I will be in touch.
in HIM -

His Doorkeeper said...

I have read your blog for several years now but rarely have ever commented. BUT......I had to laugh out loud at your delightful P!!! How sweet and how funny!
I love 5 year olds too!

Bethany said...

Oh my gosh, what a crazy time! P and the lifevest is just too funny!