Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Another Day Another List

What is it about Summer that makes cohesive thoughts so difficult? I cannot get my brain to slow down long enough to focus on one theme for tonight, so it looks like another 'brain dump' post.

1. It was another full day of 'salvation Bible school' as one of my Kindergarteners called it today. It got me thinking about the other cute 'mixed up' words my children (especially K) are using these days. The two newest additions to K-bonics are 'Coloradoforms' (Colorforms) and 'raccoons' (when describing the cocoons of the caterpillars we are currently watching in our butterfly habitat.) I just adore the things they are saying these days. So grown up, yet so innocent-- and a wee bit confused.

2. Last night I was talking with a close friend about all of the pain that seems to permeate the lives of those around us...addiction, illness, death, divorce, infidelity, paralyzing fear, hopelessness, infertility...you name it. The older I get, the more prevalent it seems. Lately, I have felt like so many of these hurting lives have crossed my path. I found myself overwhelemed and asking God last night why he was bringing all these heartbroken people and their pain into my life.

Almost immediately I felt an answer settle in my heart. These people and their pain are why you are here. Loving them is what your life on this Earth is about. Be salt and light. Be love and mercy. Show comfort, grace, forgiveness to them. These are your neighbors. Love them.

As hard as it is to understand sometimes, God did not put me on this planet to be the princess of my little universe. I would never profess to believe that life on Earth was about my comfort, but the way I live my life most of the time would definitely give that impression. The truth is, my life's purpose is not security and comfort. It is not His Will for me to comfortably sip cool drinks by the pool all day every day oblivious to what is going on in the hearts of those around me. We must live in community and we must listen to and love those God puts in our path. It is a messier way of living, for sure...but it is what He has commanded. Consider the words of Jesus:

“Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?”
Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”

Matthew 22:36-40 (New Living Translation)

3. The comments on the previous 2 posts have been terrific. If you don't normally read them you are missing out. Thanks for the great contributions.

4. Finally, on a MUCH lighter note, if you have never checked out Stuff Christians Like, you have got to go check it out. He completely cracks me up.


Nicole said...

Thanks, I just wasted 1 1/2 hours of precious sleep reading Stuff Christians Like. All while trying to stifle my laughter because the rest of my family is sleeping. I'm definitely bookmarking that site!


Unknown said...

HA! The blog, Stuff Christians Like, is full of fun. Thanks for sharing.

Jessica said...
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Mary Lou said...

Thank you for being so transparent.You have learned a very valuable spiritual lesson...it's not all about "you" it's all about Him. Life here on earth is about serving Him and the body of Christ and ministering to the hurting and if they are not in the body of Christ to bring them into the body of Christ. Thank you for this post. As I have said before..your family is precious.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I also love Stuff Christians Like. If you grew up in the evangelical Christian subculture, as I did, he speaks much truth.

Nikki said...

I'm new to your blog (think I found you via BigMama's blogrool). Anyway, your #2 today really struck a chord with me. I have been blessed lately that things are going pretty well. And the roadblocks that are in my way are not insurmountable. But, I, too, have a few dear friends who are going through some tough times. Rather than just praying for them, your post reminds me to let them know that I'm praying for them and to do something. Thanks so much.

GE is me said...

J, seeing this post, prompts me to ask is there anything new going on with KP? I think when you were getting ready to leave for vaca. she was in jail & trying to contact you.
I've been praying for her & for your relationship with her.
God Bless, -Gail