Saturday, May 03, 2008


The last several days have been really normal. No deep thoughts. No spiritual highs or inspiring revelations. There haven't been any remarkably sweet and touching interchanges between my children. No disasters to recount. There haven't even been any usually funny statements by the children (other than their attempts at knock knock jokes--oh my!) I was thinking about all this last night and was reminded that sometimes (a lot of times) life just IS.

That is truly a beautiful realization. We are healthy, happy and loved. Our religious commitment is still solid. Our love for each other is strong. Our children are growing and learning. We go to soccer, swimming, preschool, gymnastics, the grocery store, the bank, the post office and to get gas in the car (over $100 for a fill up this week!) We play with our friends and enjoy visits from grandparents. Life is just life.

And the truth is, who we are and how we live life in these very ordinary moments is probably making much more of an impression on the hearts of our children and our testimony to those around us than those dramatic seasons which have been and will come.

"But godliness with contentment is great gain." I Timothy 6:6

I am thankful that the mighty, strong fortress I cling to in the hard times is the exact same Father I serve as I scramble eggs, wipe bottoms and attend 4 year old birthday parties. That same strength, power, love, holiness, wisdom, peace, sustenance...It is available to me when life is just 'normal.' Isn't that amazing?

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

I can't help but think of the ocean. Though the sea is sometimes turbulent it is also sometimes placid and smooth. Yet, it is the same sea.

Lord, I pray that I will be consistently faithful to Your consistent, unfailing, unchanging love.


Diana said...

Reminds me of the quote from Mary Jean Irion:
"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, savour you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it will not always be so. One day I shall bury my face in the pillow, or raise my hands to the sky, and want, more than all the world, your return."
Blessings, Diana

a portland granny said...

As always, I'm blessed by your thought for the day!

The above quote from Diana, is absolutely profound.

It all blessed me on this "normal" day in my life.

Tara said...

I think in our over analytical world that we tend to forget that life just is what we do each day. Nothing spectacular from day to day other than God's creatures living life.

I don't remember my parents thinking so much about things that come up daily. They just lived! Thanks for the thoughts to redirect me back to enjoying life!

Mary Lou said...

What a beautiful post...I pray along with you that i will be consistently faithful to His consistent,unfailing, unchanging love. My life has been far from "normal" for quite a while, looking forward to some days of "normal". Blessings on your week.