Monday, June 15, 2009

Diving In

Each Summer I seem to have a different analogy from the pool. We have not been there as much this Summer, as we have been busy with various day camps and adventures we were unable to enjoy while school was in session.

The handful of times we have been at the pool I have enjoyed the newfound freedom that comes with my children getting older. They can touch in the entire shallow end now--and they are so social they have enjoyed the opportunity for impromptu play dates with whoever happens to be at the pool while we are there.

I still sit near the edge of the shallow end, watching and cheering, but my involvement with entertaining them and actively keeping them safe has been minimized by their maturity. I have become more of an observer.

This afternoon I got in the pool with them--not just up to my knees--fully saturated, swimming underwater, playing ring around the rosie, playing "elevator" and "the chomp game." We had a blast. I traded vanity for relationship...comfort by the pool chatting with my friends for the chilly waters of the shallow end.

As I had all three of my children climbing all over me and giggling uncontrollably, I thought (briefly) about what made this experience so different from our normal, every day lives. I was on their level. I entered their world. I was 'one of them' in some regards, but still the authority figure that loved them unconditionally--and they were delighted! (Who am I kidding, I loved it too!)

Free from distraction. No where else to be. In those moments fully engaged. It was its own special form of magic.

And I was reminded of why it matters that God sent His Son, Jesus, to live and walk among get on our experience what we experience...not just as an observer, but as an active participant. He loved us so much that He dived into our messy, uncomfortable world.

And when He returned to heaven, He left behind His Holy Spirit to do the same even now. I forget that a lot. Truth be told, I walk through most days like God is an observer in my life...ready to fix a broken toy, kiss a boo boo or dive in and save me if I call on Him. Otherwise, He is just watching from afar.

This is NOT the God of Scripture. When I live this way, I am missing so much of the abundant life God wants for me. I am missing opportunities to serve, love and be loved.

I'm diving in. I'm going deep. In over my head I wanna be. Caught in the rush. Lost in the flow. In over my head I wanna go. The river's deep. The river's wide. The river's water is alive. So sink or swim, I'm diving in...We will never know the awesome power of the grace of God until we let ourselves get swept away into this holy flood. So if you'll take my hand, we'll close our eyes and count to three and take the leap of faith,"Come on let's go!"
-Dive by Steven Curtis Chapman


Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

I loved this post! I'm on the baby end of swimming, although sometimes my sister watches Ridley, so I can play in the water with my eleven year old brother. I love the analogy that you pointed out...I'm so thankful too that God is an involved God and He is interested in each detail of our lives! Thanks for sharing!

Cathy said...

Swimming is one of my passions and as I teach my granddaughter (who is 2) to not be afraid, but cautious around the water, I see her growing in trust and ability. This post really spoke to me. Thanks for sharing it.

k and c's mom said...

And this is exactly why we love being mothers to our precious children, and children to our precious Father. Thanks for a blessed post.

The Flukers said...

Hey! Thanks for your post today. I loved it so much I shared it with Slate because it reminded me of how incarnational YL leaders are, rather than observant chaperones. He loved your example and wants to share it with our leaders here if thats ok. Also, I should mention that I love your blog so much that I linked it on ours and have referred many friends to it! Y'all have a great summer and hug the Sweeney's for us!

Kara said...

Loved this post and really needed it today...I really did! Thank you for sharing your heart and experiences...

Beth said...

what a reminder to "jump in" and get on their level...also, thanks for always seeing into daily activities for lessons from our Lord.

Garrett Robinson said...

what a great post. I haven't read your blog in a while- with the craziness of summer upon us- and am reminded how much i enjoy reading your insight into a mom's everyday experience. thank you.