Monday, January 05, 2009


I have mentioned many times that I am involved with a home for abused and neglected children in our area. Because I am chairman of their board, most of my involvement is limited to meetings and fund raising. My favorite part, however, is being with the girls who live there. Being a Mom has complicated my ability to be in relationship with the girls--largely because the residents are in school the hours I am available. When they are home, so are my own children. Also, due to the transient nature of many of our residents, you never know if a girl will be there a week of 5 years. Not to mention, teen girls from the tragic backgrounds many of these girls have experienced are generally a little hesitant to open themselves up to new relationships.

A couple of years ago I led a Bible Study at the home one evening a week, but life got very busy with other commitments and I could not in good conscience continue to spend that evening away from home weekly. Recently, I have felt a strong leading to start that study up again. I have no other nightly commitments and I figured out a way to do it at 8pm so I could kiss the children goodnight before running out to the home.

Tonight was the night! All but one of my old group has long since moved on, so I was walking into a group I did not know very well. I am 34, but I am still intimidated by high school girls. I have been praying for weeks about what material to cover with them (one of the reasons I have been buying so many books). Yesterday, I finally felt peace in just using tonight to share my testimony and ask them what types of things they wanted to discuss in coming weeks.

When I walked into the home I saw J., who I know well and beelined towards her. I joined her as she ate sunflower seeds at the kitchen table with three other girls, only one of whom I know by name. I noticed K.'s arms immediately. Clad in a tank top, it was easy to see the various messages and designs she had carved into her dark, lean body. When I asked her about them she proudly explained the process she used involving a needle, blood and scar tissue. She was testing me and I knew it.

Another girl at the table mentioned that she was planning to join us in Bible Study, but wanted to make sure I wasn't 'judgmental like the other lady' who told them Bi's couldn't go to heaven. Then it was time to get started. We adjourned to the playroom and the questions kept coming. When I asked them what they would like to discuss I received the following responses: "Why are we here in this life? Why is my life the way it is? Does God really listen when I pray? Why doesn't He answer me? Do we have to obey our parents when what they want us to do is wrong? Will God let child molesters go to Heaven?"

I shared my testimony--many parts I have not and will not blog about for privacy reasons--concluding with the point that we ALL have our stuff. I assured them that although all of our stories are different and I have never experienced the pain of incarcerated parents or abuse, I have definitely felt let down, abandoned, lonely, sad, afraid, victimized, unknown, lost. I have longed to be truly known and deeply loved.

And they were hanging on every word. Especially when I read this with their names inserted.

Then J. said, "I believe in God. I really do. I just don't understand why it has to be so complicated. There are so many rules in the Bible. I cannot understand it all. Wouldn't it be great to just know you could go to heaven?"

And right there, on the playroom floor, I had the honor of sharing the beautiful, simple truth of the Gospel with J., who has never met her father and who has watched her Mom do heavy drugs in her home for years. S. & J. whose father is in prison and whose mother is mentally ill and unable to care for them were listening intently. Even K., who had earlier admitted that she has 'done 10 dudes' some as old as 28, seemed to be tracking right along.

Then she giggled and said, "I mean, this sounds dumb, but how do you pray, anyway? I have tried, but I don't know what I am supposed to say." Sound familiar? I have been there!

As I left tonight I could not help but spend my whole drive home thanking God that He has allowed me to experience this first hand. People have asked me how I can be involved with such tragic stories...and the truth is that most of the time I get to know the girls without researching their stories. I am learning more and more that although the details of our stories may differ, our hearts really are the same.

I covet your prayers for these girls. Life has shown them so much of the hurt this world holds, making them hesitant to trust a God that they fear allowed it all to happen. I cannot 'do' anything without the Holy Spirit. I am not a Biblical scholar, a Christian apologist, a licensed therapist or even a particularly hip and relevant 34 year old. I am just a boring housewife in work out clothes who shows up and is willing to be used by God. Apparently that counts for something.


Colored With Memories said...

JMom, wow. i am thanking God right now that you are willing to be used by our Father to the benefit of these girls. may your efforts be well spent and life changing.

please keep us posted from time to time.

Bella & Poppa said...

Wow!! I have no other words.

Jenna said...

Amazing!! I am so glad God is using you in this way! I know He will do GREAT things for these girls through you. Thanks for being willing to be there for these girls. I will definitely be praying for all of you as you do this journey together!

Liz said...

Beautiful! Thank you for being obediant to God & doing all He asks of you.

Immeasurably More Mama said...

I'm so glad you are allowing God to use you in this way. I am a foster mom (with only the experience of one placement right now) and I know finding homes for the girls you are describing is challenging. They get shuffled around so much and have experienced so much hurt and all they really want is to be loved whether they will admit it or not. I just prayed for you and this group of girls God has brought into your path.

"Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me." Matthew 25:40 (The Message)

Ally said...


MISS C. said...


I'm new! Sort of..

I have read your blog for over a year now and just finally have one of my own to comment from! I can't remember how I stumbled across yours, but I LOVE it. You are honest, real, and a great role model for a younger Christian woman like me! I can't tell you how many times God has used your words to humble or inspire me. What a creative Lord we serve! :)

I'll say a prayer for you and the girls tonight. You just never know the impact you are having or how God will use you...

Have a wonderful week!

Pamela said...

I will be praying for you as you work with these girls. One of my favorite sayings from a former pastor's wife is all is level at the foot of the cross. We all need Jesus.

Thanks for being willing to be a vessel of mercy for these girls.

pscole3467 at gmail dot com

Tonya Ingram said...

Beautiful... beautiful... To be used by God... our purpose as Christian is to be used by God to help others and grow His Kingdom! Bless you for you heart of ministry and being used.

Love Being A Nonny said...

I often feel led to come here just for my devotions. I also have a heart for young adults. I have spent many summers reaching out to them at a summer camp. Though most of them have never felt the hurts that these girls have, you are right, our hearts are all the same. Thank you Jenmom for your obedience to the Father. He is pleased with your efforts.

Melene@Sing For Joy said...

To God be the Glory! Thank you for your willingess to serve when called and for sharing this with us.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so wonderful! What an amazing opportunity. I will be praying. You know earlier this year I read the book Captivating and I am telling you, it has changed the way I view my daughter and even myself. It has so clarified for me why the wounds of my youth still hurt me so. I'm not saying you have to read it, but if you get an opportunity maybe you could read parts of it and it may help you see them through the Lord as well. You know, I know what I was like at that age and I was quite a ...... challenge. Oy!

Unknown said...

Followed your blog for a while but I don't know if I've ever commented...

This morning I was studying 1 Corinthians 3:5-8. Paul talks about the opportunities that God gives us to plant seeds and water them but that God will cause the growth. God will bless your obedience for planting seeds...

Mindy said...

Wow. What an amazing evening. I will be praying for you in this venture.
It counts more than just about anything else that you are willing to be used by God. He will lead you and since you are willing to listen you will hear Him. You and those girls will be blessed and God will be glorified. That is awesome!

Jessica said...

Wow! As I sat here and read these words you have typed, tears filled my eyes! This is an amazing thing you are doing and to God be the glory!!

I've read your blog for a long while and I'm not sure that I have ever commented. I love coming here and reading your stories. You are such an encouragement to me!

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

This is just one of many, many reasons you're my online role model. :)

Katy said...

WOW, I am amazed at your willingness to follow God's will in this area. I have had similar situations with doing God's will especially when it's hard and out of your comfort zone. But the thought that you are there to bless them is outweighed by the blessing that you receive. Listen to His will and you will be blessed while blessing others.

Please keep us updated on these precious girls, as much as possible. They just want to be loved and you are the one showing them God's love without judgement.

Katy in Michigan

Isabella said...

Thanks for sharing this and for making a difference. God is smiling at you and these girls!

Kendra said...

Just wanted to quickly say thank you. Thank you for being God's hands and feet. Thank you for sharing your life with these girls. Thank you for sharing your life and these girls with us. I am honored to pray for them and for you as you begin this journey into their lives.

Lindsay said...

Such a beautiful gift you were able to give them. I will be praying for those girls hearts to be opened up and hear your words and for God to speak through you.

Alison said...

Yes indeed it counts!

Mary Lou said...

I honestly believe that everything that you are doing in your life from the way you are raising your children to loving and supporting your husband, and on top of it witnessing to these girls counts and counts and counts. Your children will truly rise up and call you blessed. You are living out your faith in front of them and these young girls will see the sincerity of your heart. Blessings on your day....Mary Lou

Mom of Eleven said...

This is awesome. Keep going and don't let the enemy beat you down! Those girls need you and you are planting seeds that WILL grow and reap a harvest you may never see. God is using you girl! praying for you,

Robin said...

It is awesome to see obedience to the Word in action. Those girls will sense your honesty and authenticity as you minister to them. The Holy Spirit will make sure of that. Praying for you.

Stacy said...

Wow...what you are doing and how you are touching lives and being God's hands and feet to touch these girls lives is amazing...I know what it's meant to me as a newer christian to have christian women in my life as mentors. I will pray for you and the girls! You inspire me and teach me so much through your blog! PTL!

Emmy said...

WOW! SO POWERFUL! I'll be praying! : )

Todd and Randi said...

How awesome! I'm so happy for you that you are able to do this again. You and the girls will be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Wow! It is so evident that God is using you. May He bless this work you are doing. May you shine hope to them. I love what you said to them. A great book you could share with them is Captivating by John and Staci Eldredge. I wish I had had that book when I was a teenager/young woman.
God Bless and prayers!

Ashley said...

So glad girls get to have you pour into them. Although I am sure it can be tough, you are following the Lord in his will to be a part of their lives. I work with the elderly and many times I am asked why do you like this? or you are so you are to young to deal with old people. I happily smile and feel blessed time after time by these "old" people whom I dearly love. I graciously know "old" is a very vague term and they have blessed my life so much and I will also get "old" too. I pray these young girls open up, but more excited to see you in their lives. They are blessed. Hope the New Year is going well! Blessings

AnnG said...

What a blessing you are and were to these young ladies. Sometimes the best thing we can do is just be ourselves and LISTEN! I will pray for you and these young women as you continue ministering to them.

Tara said...

Isn't it amazing that their questions are the same as some of mine and I've been a Christian for many years. No matter our background we can share some of the same hang ups with many who are so different than us on the outside.

You are going to be such a blessing to these girls.

Kate Geisen said...

How wonderful that you are able to step out, witness, and spend your precious time with these girls who need it so much.

Me said...

I stumbled upon your blog today - it was linked to another friend's blog. I haven't read much at all, but this post caught my attention. I lead support groups for adult women survivors of child sexual abuse. My childhood plan had always been to adopt the kinds of kids you minister to, but that has not yet become a reality for my husband and me. So, God laid plan b on my heart and the Victory Over Sexual Abuse ministry was born. I've been leading groups for a year, we're branching out into abuse prevention & education education next week, and I just started a blog five days ago... Perhaps it would be of interest to your readers, or to the young women you meet through your ministry. Thank you for allowing God to use your life in this way. Many blessings to you!