Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Golden Ticket

I settled down on the sofa tonight, in my daily blogging spot, to attempt to write something meaningful about what God is teaching me today. Some nights I have something I simply cannot wait to share. More often than not, I do not know what I will write until my fingertips start tapping and the story emerges.

The children went to bed a little early and my husband is working late, so tonight I was sitting in quiet lamplight when I noticed the red light on my DVR.

What am I recording on a Tuesday night?
I wondered. My shows are limited to Intervention, Dateline and 20/20 these days. Curious, I flipped on the television to catch the introduction to American Idol. I didn't even realize it started tonight; it is still programmed from last year. Immediately I was sucked in. As cheesy as some may find it, I simply love the premise of this show.

Plucked from a crowd of 100,000, someone will rise to superstardom within the next 4 months. Millions of people will root for someone they have never met--hoping to see them achieve an amazing dream. It is a true American story. Almost as interesting was the show opener when they flashed back to previous winners--some have excelled and some have squandered their fortune. What a picture of humanity!

Ironically (or not) I started reading a book today called Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. I stumbled upon it by accident while ordering something else on Amazon. The reviews intrigued me, so I decided to give it a read, even though the target audience is teens and 20-somethings. I can appreciate the exhortation to not settle for ordinary life, but to seek God's extraordinary plan for your life each day, not some day. So far, I am impressed with this book and think it will be very helpful in youth ministry, important encouragement for the way I parent, and frankly, a great challenge personally. We'll see...

The temptation as a mother is to think of all God has in store for our children. What gifts are there to be uncovered in their little lives? I am feeling challenged in my mid-thirties to keep looking for what God has for me as well. It is especially exciting to see how they will be intertwined.


Nikki said...

I read that book last summer and gave it to a friend's daughter who graduated from high school. I also gave it to my 16 year old sister. It's a great read!

Christi said...

I'll have to check it out. Right now I'm reading another recommendation of yours - A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.


SuperSuz said...

My son's 7th grade English class read this book and did lots of discussion. I'm reading it now and enjoying it as well. I want to find out more about what God has in store for ME and my family.

I enjoy your blog a lot even though I never (well, rarely now) comment. I'm a lurker from Athens (Go Dawgs) ;-)

Sitesx6 said...

I have tried so hard to not get sucked into American Idol in the past...or other shows for that matter that cause me to rush through my night so I can sit down and watch them...but I just couldn't help myself. I turned it on FOR JUST A MINUTE and before I knew it, 2 hours was gone..I watched the whole thing. I just laughed so hard, and it was fun watching with my husband. Now I'm a finished...I'll be sucked in for the whole show, because I want the last guy, the blind guy, TO WIN. :)

Oh well.....

Anonymous said...

Oh, you so need to take a look at..

In a pit with a lion on a snowy day by Mark Batterson. I think you will be blown away. I haven't got to read the whole thing yet, only excerpts and wow.

Kristin said...

We're reading Do Hard Things with our 8th grade students where I teach. Great discussion starter, and a great new way to look at expectations of teens. Can't wait to hear more of what you think.

I, too, somehow love American Idol. :)