Monday, January 12, 2009


Today has been like New Year's Day for me in many regards...I woke up fired up for my new morning commitments (no toys in the car and not nipping at my children as they unloaded at school). After reading an article about the new recommendations to ban all cell phone use while driving, I decided to try and add this challenge to my day as well.

We got off to a great start. Everyone was dressed and out the door with no toys (with only minimal push back). We spent the drive to school practicing a new Bible verse and discussing what it meant, rather than playing with toys. The children were OK with that, under the condition that I allow them to pick a song from my ipod to listen to once they mastered the we listened to Joaquin Phoenix's version of Get Rhythm four consecutive times in the last five minutes of our commute.

K stayed out of school today recovering from her chest cold and ear infection, so walking the children in was not possible. They did, however, do a great job getting out quickly. Things were not perfect, but most of life rarely is. It was a great first attempt.

My efforts on the cell phone were less impressive. I had no idea how reliant on my phone I have become until I tried to manage my use today. I felt much less efficient! The flip side was that I felt like I was taking steps towards safety for my family and others...and I definitely felt more in tune to my children in the car. As the day wore on my adherence to my policy grew lax--but I am going to keep working on significantly reducing my cell talk time. I finally feel convicted that it is the right thing to do.

We had Bible Study at the children's home tonight. I am too tired to write about it now...but please do keep praying for these girls. I was so disappointed tonight by how much influence culture has had on their worldview. I felt God holding my tongue at times, while prompting me to speak truth in love to them at others. I do believe in earning the right to be heard by loving them and lavishing them with grace. But, wow, are there some hurting and deceived hearts in that group.

I walked out of the home tonight and let out a huge sigh as I admitted to the Lord that I was in way over my head. Yet, I know I am right where He wants me...trusting Him and ready to give Him all the glory for what He chooses to do with those girls' hearts.

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." Lamentations 3:22-24 (NIV)

I am so thankful for mercies that are new every morning. Here's to tomorrow...


geisme said...

Jmom, Glad this am seemed to go better. Hope K feels better soon. Praying for you & your ministry at the home. Just remember what Paul said. "Your grace is sufficient...." So when we feel overwhelmed & over our heads, God knows exactly what we need to minister.
God Bless, -Gail

Tonya Ingram said...

Jmom, you are exactly where you need to be. Those girls need a woman of your standards... of God's standard... to love them and show them what love, grace and mercy truly is. All they know is the world, so your view and perspective on life is totally different than theirs, but they need to know it can be different for them. Praise God that you let Him use you in a way that will inspire and help these young women. They are our future.

Melene@Sing For Joy said...

I have been praying that same verse from Lamentations at night recently. What a comforting verse it is.

And I totally agree with Tonya's comment. Those girls hearts will be touched by God-in His time.

Have you considered an ear piece for your cell phone while driving? Just a thought....

Arlene G said...

Glad things went better in the carline....little things really do have a big impact on our peace of mind. I work with middle school girls in a program, Life Hurts, God Heals and I am amazed at how much the culture is impacting girls who have been raised in a Christian home. WE are in a Battle that is for sure.

Jenny Lynn said...

It's such an incredible thing to be used by God. Especially when you are able to do something that you, alone, could not do. It is such an encouragement to see you as a living testimony to what God can do through someone willing to be a vessel for Him.

Me said...

I know that feeling of being in way over your head. I feel that with every group I lead too! In fact, we are in over our head, but never over God's. I am always awestruck at how he uses ordinary me to help bring about extraordinary life-change! God bless you for allowing him to use you.

Peter and Nancy said...

It's so good that you are able to not speak sometimes with the girls. I am learning that listening and holding my tongue, then asking a question or two is sometimes so much more effective than having quick answers. I am so excited for your "in over your head" nights! God bless you as you demonstrate Christ's love for your girls.
-- Nancy

lucinda said...

I'm laughing right now because I thought I was the only person with the Joaquin Phoenix versions of Johnny Cash on her Ipod. I admit to also having the Reese Whiterspoon versions on there as well.