Thursday, December 25, 2008


As I sit here in my new soothing socklets reflecting on our Christmas, my mind is swirling with memories. Between the snapshots from my camera and the countless others from my brain, I have no idea where to start. How about the beginning?

Our day started with K climbing in our bed at 5-something. We shushed her and hoped for a few more minutes of sleep. At 5:54 we heard the doorbell ringing and found Scott standing on he back patio. He had called late yesterday to ask what time I thought the children would be waking up to enjoy Santa's gifts. I told him 'by 6am' never dreaming an 18 year old male would be able to drag himself out of bed at 4:30 to make the drive and be here in time...and he did. He commented over brunch that watching the children's reactions was totally worth it!

And reactions there were! P won the award for the most dramatic reactions. He seriously said "AWESOME!" a dozen times within minutes of examining his gifts. Even tonight before bed he was still talking about how this was "totally the best day of his whole life."
P was also the source of my most significant spiritual lesson today. The children received three gifts each from Santa. However, they each asked for five things. We had explained beforehand that Santa does not bring everything on your list.

The reality was a little harder for P to swallow. This morning, after the inital awe at all of the loot, P asked, "But, Mama, why didn't Santa Claus bring the beanbag I wanted. I really wanted it."

I knew something he did not. Inside the huge wrapped box Santa had used to display his gifts was a beanbag in his favorite color, with his name printed on it. It was there...the timing just wasn't right to give it to him. He was feeling let down about something that was already his. He just didn't know it yet. I couldn't help but wonder how many times God feels this way about me. I can think of a couple of examples right off the top of my head: The tears I cried over my break-up with my now husband 10 years ago. How I could not imagine why God would tease me by allowing me to date the man of my dreams, only to allow him to slip away. I also think of the irony of the church-sponsored infertility workshop we attended, to grapple with the spiritual side of being physically unable to conceive. We had conceived our children the day before the workshop and did not know it!

R had a fabulous day. The children received very little in duplicate (or triplicate) this year. It was so wonderful to watch what a terrific job they did sharing toys. I just hope it continues when the new-ness wears off!

R's favorite gift was clearly his Georgia Football uniform. He wore it over his pajamas, then over his clothes, then put it on again to sleep in tonight. We did manage to get the helmet off of him for bedtime!

K's My Twinn doll was a huge hit! She did not ask for it, but I put a bug in Santa's ear that K had been asking me for a sister for the last couple of months. According to K, "It is not fair that the boys get another boy to share their room with and I don't get a girl!"

This doll is so lifelike that she has confused me a couple of times already today! K named her "Christy" for Christmas. Tonight she is tucked in the extra bed in K's room, providing much joy for my sweet daughter.

Speaking of my sweet daughter, another wonderful Christmas memory occurred last night when she performed a spontaneous solo of Hark, the Herald Angels Sing for the 40 residents of the childrens home. It has been a tradition in our family for the last 3 years to go to the home for caroling and the Christmas story each Christmas Eve. The residents like to take turns in a Christmas caroling talent competition of sorts using a karaoke machine. Last night, K marched up to the front, took the microphone and performed a cappella. She sang every lyric like a little angel. It was so unexpected I did not even have a camera with me, but I will not soon forget that memory. When she finished a rough 16 year old male resident was spotted with tears in his eyes.

And here is my sweet, tender angel and her brothers standing in the front yard tonight while Daddy and I were taking the trash to the street.

Yes, those are pink cowboy boots with her nightgown. After I put the camera away she added a princess bicycle helmet and went for a ride around the driveway!
It was a wonderful day--filled with beautiful peace and precious family time. Tonight my tummy is full, but my heart is overflowing. I am one happy Mama!


Unknown said...

Sounds like your Christmas was great!! I LOVE your little guy's UGA uniform!! I'm a HUGE Dawgs football fan!! So, I may be looking at one of our future players, eh? :)

Merry Christmas!!

Felicia said...

Hey! We've never met but I am friends with Jennifer Hayes...which linked me to your blog and I read it daily! It is great!
But, I just noticed it appears on of the boys got a remote control rocket ship type toy? Is that right? I tell you I looked the world over for one of those! It was all my son asked for and I never found it! Santa had to "change the order" my son said. Is that what I see in the picture and if so WHERE DID YOU GET IT?! Thanks!

Jennifer said...

Felicia- I think you are talking about the picture of P. It is called a Geotrax. Santa brought it...but I am fairly certain he found it at ;-) I hope it all worked out with your son. I had a stumper of a request myself this year, so I completely feel your pain!

geisme said...

Jenn, I absolutely love your blog. The spirituality that you post so often, is many times, like reading my own little devotional book. I cried as I read Scott's story. I know he's somehow related to you, just not sure.
Thanks as always for sharing & glad y'all had a great CHRISTmas!

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

OMGooodness, How sweet was That!!!

They are so precious, and I love your descriptions. Thanks so much for sharing your day with us!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Perri said...

I'm so glad you guys had a great day. I love the Twinn doll. That is awesome.

Sweet memories made today :)

Michelle said...

What wonderful Christmas memories. My only beef with Santa is that he brought R a Georgia should have been Bama. What a mistake. haha.

Jennifer said...

Michelle- Not to worry P got a Bama one...It just didn't arrive in time so they were gifts from Mom & Dad. :-)

Unknown said...

oh my goodness! how cute is all that!

Jenna said...

I loved seeing all the pictures of your sweet little people! What a great Christmas!!

And I love the spiritual lesson about P's bean bag. I am printing that off. Thanks so much for sharing that!

Hope ya'll have a great rest of your week!

Mindy said...

You always have the best pictures. I didn't get a shot of my kids coming into the room....
Great pictures.

Merry Christmas!!!

Ms. ~K said...

As always, thank you for sharing these wonderful times of your life.

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

I am SO glad you posted pictures of the kids... I was so anxious to see them with their gifts! I'm a bit jealous of Scott, if you want to know the truth. Can't believe he drove in to see them open -- whoa!

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Oh, and the beanbag lesson -- you might as well just put "Hey, AB - make sure you read this paragraph!" ;)