Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cookies for a Cause

Tonight is scheduled to be a Wayback Wednesday post, but my scanner is not cooperating and I am tired of fighting with instead I present our festive, fun afternoon activity.

My friend Annie invited a couple of families over this afternoon to make cookies for the soup kitchen that feeds 'da hungwy people' in our town. It was a terrific holiday activity for our combined 9 children between the ages of 2-6.

Things were a little hectic, so the only group shot we got was when the children were 'plugged into' a video while the cookies were baking. Look at those zoned out little faces. Oh my!
Then it was on to the sprinkles and frosting!
Look how S & K both have their mouths contorted the same way. That is some serious cookie decorating!
L, on the other hand, found a different use for his mouth. Mmm-mmm!
What do you think the caloric count on one of these might be?
The aftermath on the floor...was no match for a 2 year old with a Swiffer and a hardhat!

I pray K will one day be swept off her feet by a young man as kind as L. (Especially if his Mama has taught him early how to cook, clean and serve the poor.) ;-)

I am so blessed by a sweet community of women who long to train their children up in the way they should go-and create fun, meaningful memories along the way! This is a blessing I absolutely do not take for granted.


Kate Geisen said...

How wonderful! What a great lesson for all of the kids that they can have fun while working to help others. You guys are doing a great job. You are definitely blessed.

MamaBear said...

Looks like fun! You guys are brave for doing all that with so many young kids. I have trouble keeping TWO under control. We did our gingerbread house tonight (probably won't post pictures until tomorrow since it's so late) and had a blast - even if it was messy. :)

Say, I don't want to alarm you, but is that a Swiffer Wet Jet? Do you use the swiffer cleaning solution in there? I've heard scary things about the solution causing liver failure in pets who lick their paws after walking in the liquid. Might be worth checking into.

Alicia said...

I never knew until just now that I need a 2-year-old with a hard hat! =)

And the Wet Jet thing was disproven on Snopes, by the way.

a portland granny said...

Hats off to the hostess of this little cookie bake!! She was one brave lady. What wonderful memories for the children...and how much fun for them it must have been.

Continue to enjoy the rest of your Christmas adventures with your little sweeties!!