Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Simple Life

I spent entirely too much time over the last couple of days scrutinizing things about my home under a microscope. I am not a natural born hostess. I am really working on becoming better in this arena, but for now entertaining tends to cause me to do go into overdrive.

I wish I could say it was completely rooted in my desire to make my guests comfortable. Truly, part of it is honoring them by putting my best Southern female foot forward...but more than I care to admit is about projecting an image of 'having it together.'

There were the details like scrubbing down the front porch, knocking down spider webs, requiring my husband to paint our back door in 32 degree Saturday morning weather (to cover up the deep scratches from my dog), polishing silver, painting rocking chairs on my porch, fluffing pillows, decorating trees and mantles, planting pansies and watching a friend make arrangements with magnolia and holly from my yard.

When it was all said and done, the preparation seemed to pay off. Everything looked very pretty. I felt prepared and at ease. The food was terrific. Our home was full of laughter. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and felt appreciated, which was the point.

Yet, the most memorable moment of the evening came after the event. At the end of the evening after all the guests had departed, my husband and I were cleaning up and turning off lights. We found ourselves outside on the back patio, next to the fire pit, Christmas music playing--and for a brief minute we danced.

It was then that I recognized what makes my house a home--what makes my life beautiful. It is the love. It is the simple moments.

None of those things I had scurried around doing were in focus in that moment in the cool evening air--just the man I adore and the love and appreciation we share.

I am so grateful for those moments when it all comes into focus. Lord, help me carry that focus into the other 23.9 hours of the day!

As I reflected on it tonight, I thought of how it is in simplicity we are most able to 'get it'...when we get away from the shiny, noisy, glittery life. It reminded me of the way God chose to bring our Savior into the world--not in a shiny, spit-shined castle full of worldly beauty, but in an outdoor stable free of distraction.


Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

What a great reminder in this season.....when I tend to turn into a "crazy person"!

Thank You!!!

HW said...

I used to drive myself crazy when I hosted parties. Sadly, though, I was also driving my husband and children crazy. Thankfully I was able to see what I was doing to them as I expected them to stop "living" in our home the day we were going to entertain. I have come to realize that having company is about showing hospitality, not showing my house.
It's liberating to get to that point and it sounds like you are getting there too.

Tiff said...

Love your blog! Have been dropping in almost daily for a month or two. Love your heart for the Lord..he's my hero, too!

A comment about the hospitality..it's been a difficult thing for me most of my grown up life. I've tried too hard to make everything perfect and spent so much time preparing my home, that I forgot to prepare my heart. I was encouraged as I read a book by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock called, "Practicing Hospitality: The Joy of Serving Others". It helped me see the many different ways to extend hospitality as well as some good ideas on how to do it!

Since reading this book, I've hosted a ladies bible study and a Christmas brunch at my house. Using some of the guidelines in the book and allowing the Lord to lead and teach me, these were some of the most enjoyable and fun things I've hosted in my home. What a difference! It's been a joy learning the "practice of hospitality"....

Thanks for sharing your heart with us!!!

Courtney said...

oh wow. i love the ending of this post! however, i must say that your level of preparation was far and beyond anyone expectations...wow! i was kinda (secretly in my way only i know how to do) thinking you were going to say as you were cleaning up that you found something crazy like dog mess everywhere or something of sorts after you went to all the trouble you went to! sorry for thinking that, but i had to share...but your ending was much better ;) glad it all went well and ended even better! :)

Tonya Ingram said...

Simply beautiful!!!

Kerin said...

Jay said it was a great party and the house looked great!

Jennifer said...

Tiff- Thanks for the book recommendation. I just ordered it off Amazon...and my husband called 10 minutes later to ask if we could host another dinner Monday night...I guess I'll get my chance to see if I learned anything sooner than I thought. :-)

Anonymous said...

great post...the simple moments are the best.

any pics from the party? glad it went well.