Thursday, December 11, 2008


Six years ago this month my husband and I visited our town to interview for his current job. We did not know anyone who lived here, except for a couple of folks who were friends of friends. We had no family connection--but the location (near-without-being-within Atlanta and within 3 hours drive of both sets of our parents) was appealing. The practice seemed like a great opportunity for my husband and we quickly felt connected to this town and its wonderful people.

Because time off during a surgical fellowship is quite rare, we had scheduled the interview during a layover on a return flight to Virginia from a conference in Hawaii. We had been on a red eye flight that arrived at 5am with a fussy 5 month old in the row behind us. Upon arrival, we had a whirlwind tour around town, the clinic and the hospitals before returning to our hosts' home for a dinner party with 4 couples. (One of whom wound up being our next door neighbor!) Although most of that visit is a foggy, sleep-deprived memory, I can vividly remember asking our prospective senior partner's wife whether this town had a Young Life ministry.

Young Life had an important role in both of our testimonies and we longed to give back as involved adults wherever we settled. We learned that this town did not have a ministry, but that a small group of determined people had been praying and meeting off and on for a few years.

When we moved here we joined that small group, becoming the 4th couple. Within 6 months of meeting, praying and fundraising all four couples were pregnant. New babies put a bit of a kink in the momentum, but within a year new momentum started building with the addition of 4 other committee couples. One year later, enough money had been raised to hire a staff person and start recruiting and training college leaders.

Sweeney arrived, 18 leaders were trained, relationships were built and tonight the first Young Life club ever held at a high school in our town is taking place in my neighborhood. My friend Sweeney, who has stage IV metastatic melanoma, is enthusiastically playing guitar and leading club. His wife, my precious friend Cabell, is down front manning the overhead projector with song lyrics on it. Two dozen high school students are hearing the Word of God proclaimed in a unique, exciting way. God is faithful.

Jessica, the committee member who has been involved longest (praying since she was a college student in this town 10 years ago) delivered her second child yesterday, so she was not able to be there in person. I snuck in the back of the room and snapped a couple of flashless pictures to send on to her and the other committee members.

This afternoon as I was praying about tonight I was struck by the intermingling of so many lives in how this has all come to be. Two weeks ago, Sweeney was in a hospital bed suffering through a miserable treatment aimed at eradicating his cancer and saving his life. Tonight, he is vibrant and strong--serving God with everything he has. Three years ago, Jessica had been praying for this ministry for 7 years with nothing to show for it...but she persevered and is, tonight, enjoying the joy of a new baby and a vision for ministry realized.

As I was sitting outside the club room (trying to take pictures without intruding) and watching through the glass, I teared up. My soul was firmly rooted on one truth that I know for sure. God is faithful. He IS faithful.

I can remember a frustrated conversation I had with God a few years ago...asking Him why He wouldn't make this ministry road a little smoother. We are trying to get the Word out about your love, Lord. Can we get a little help here?

His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. He is very much in control. He just doesn't operate on our timeline.

Next week Sweeney goes back to Emory for scans to determine if the treatment is having any effect on his cancer. Today, for the first time, I was able to honestly thank God, in advance, for whatever those scans will show.

He is our Creator, Our Sustainer and the Lover of our Souls. He is worthy of our trust.


Matt and Amy Snow said...

You are so right about His faithfulness. Too funny-I just finished singing "Great is Thy Faithfulness" to our little foster baby (she really feels like mine, but am constantly reminding myself that she isn't.) "All I have needed, Thy hand has provided..."I love the way he reminds me of His faithfulness, even when I don't expect it. Thank you for giving the timeline/story of His goodness.

Kerin said...

Kaitlyn had a great time tonight!

Vicky said...

I've read your blog for a while, but I'm not sure that I've ever commented. However, I wanted to tell you that God used this post today to speak to me.

Lately I have been frustrated with God's timing in an area of my life. I know God's timing is best, but sometimes it's hard to see that in the midst of all the confusion. This short paragraph spoke volumes to me: "His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. He is very much in control. He just doesn't operate on our timeline." It was encouraging to read about how God has shown His faithfulness and that you have seen your prayers answered after so much waiting.

God's been giving me lots of reminders lately... little bits to keep me going. Thank you for writing this and being one of those reminders :)

I am often encouraged when reading your blog! You do a beautiful job of sharing your faith journey and relating it to your everyday life situations. Thank you!!!

Emmy said...

"Immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine!" : )

Ann-Marie said...

This post gave me chills and led me to prayer right after I read it (btw, my dad was a young life leader when I was growing up - in pennsylvannia. I didn't know so many people knew what this was).

... said...

So glad to hear about God's faithfullness and your Young Life club. My sister and her husband started Young Life in Belgium (Jeunesse et Vie). As a young married couple, my husband and I had one of the clubs in our living room and were leaders at many camps... I am praying for your friend Sweeney.

deborah said...

What a beautiful post. How exciting for the first YL meeting! God is smiling down at my boys say!
He is ever more faithful when we are as well.