Monday, June 23, 2008


There has been no shortage of excuses around here lately. Each one seems to be more creative (and entertaining) than the last.

A couple of weeks ago when I caught P urinating in the playroom, his response was: "But, I didn't know you were in here."

This excuse took a new twist this week when he responded to being 'caught in the act' smashing blueberries and throwing them on the kitchen floor.
As I asked the rhetorical, "P, did you throw those on the floor?" he responded with the following: "But, I didn't see me doing it, Mommy."

Yesterday afternoon I put the children in their beds for rest time and went into the laundry room to take care of my least favorite chore. After about 10 minutes, I decided to check on the children. As I walked out into the hall I heard giggling coming from downstairs. The children had apparently decided that none of them were in the mood to rest and excused themselves from their room.
When I found them in the family room I asked 'what they were thinking.'
K looked right into my eyes and said quite plainly, "We weren't thinking, Mama."
How could I respond to that?

The excuse that took the cake, however, was this afternoon when P came running into the room to tell me R had 'whacked' him with a tennis racket.
I knelt down on on R's level and said, "Did you hit him on accident or on purpose?"
He scrunched up his face then replied, "The one where you don't get a spankin'."


GE is me said...

NICE! Here in RI, (as rumor has it) it is illegal to "spank" your child, even in the privacy of your own home! So we use the word discipline. My girls are forever saying to me, "don't discipline me mommy." So they know they've done something they shouldn't be doing. Ahhh, the joys of being a mom of toddlers.

texasknights said...

I laughed at these excuses (esp. the last one) but realized that we have a lot of excuse making around here too. It seems that we have a lot of blaming too!

HW said...

I'm seriously cracking up right now. The one where you don't get a spankin'. So cute.

I want triplets.

Courtney said...

that is awesome! :) oh wow...the fun joys of that...they are just too smart! how did you respond...i would have laughed...:)

Liz said...

I've gotta hand it to R...that last excuse is priceless! Love it!

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

We always get a kick out of what kids say in worship services as Mom or Dad is taking their misbehaving offpring out of the auditorium. Most are wails of imploring to not be disciplined but our favorite is "YA'LL PRAY FOR ME!"

Jenny said...

They're pretty good at this game, huh? "The one where you don't get a spankin'" ....that is priceless! Too cute!

Mary Lou said...

How do you ever not crack up when they say such cute things. The last one is my favorite,seems to be everyone's .....I do know it is easier to laugh at someone else'child and when you look at it from our perspective and not yours. But the ones you shared where pricelss...oh to be little again.

Perri said...

THAT is why you should never quit blogging. You need to write those gems down so you can go back and laugh about them for years to come.

JenB said...

"the one where you don't get a spankin'" LOVE it! Did you just start laughing right there? I don't think I could have held it in!

Betsy said...

Sometimes they are just so cute you forget what you were mad about in the first place!!

Michelle said...

Sometimes they are just too smart for YOUR own good!! : )

Unknown said...

These excuses are priceless!! :)

annieology said...

We also have two boys and a girl with very curly hair, who are three, but our favorite all time excuse for not being able to go to time out is..."I can't do time out, it makes my heart stop beeping."

Kara said...

I just love their little responses. My niece is 4 and loves to color on everything (just like my little 4 1/2 year old). One day my sister asked her why she colored on the wall and Hannah replied with, "But you didn't see me do it mommy." But mommy still knew it was her :)