Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You Did What?

Here's how our day ended:

As we were preparing for bed, P said, "Mommy, I need clean unda-wear. Deese got a little wet."
I returned from getting him a clean pair of undies within seconds to find him naked in the playroom, holding himself, with a very guilty look on his face.
"P, let's go potty."
"I already did," he replied.
"You did?"
"Yes. All ova dare," then he motioned his arm across one side of the room.
Then I saw it. There was a puddle on the carpet and then another couple of feet over on an overstuffed animal chair. Not just on the seat of the chair, but right across the lamb's face. Clearly not an accident.
I was shocked. He is definitely my little limit pusher these days, but we have not had this type of problem before.
"P! Why did you do that?"
"Because I didn't know you were in here," he replied.

At least he was honest, but, seriously, WHAT goes through their minds sometimes?


Linda said...

I have to apologize because I am laughing out loud! I am so sorry you are entering a new territory with him but I can totally relate. I am sure this is one incident you will remember without having to go back and read it in your writings.

Ami said...

Maybe this will make you feel better...Just yesterday, my almost 5 year old peed at the top of Chick-fil-A's slide. Mortified!!!