Monday, March 31, 2008

She Has Plans

Generally speaking, R is my little man with a plan. His two favorite phrases are , "Ok, Ev-we-bod-dee, listen to me..." and "I have an idea, you need to..." Lately, however, K seems to be equally busy making plans.

For the last couple of weeks as the children have come to me with their, 'Mommy, I want's, I have reminded them that their birthday is in May and they might want to add that item to their wish list. K quickly picked up on my strategy. Now she frequently says, "I want that so I am going to tell Kate (in her class at preschool) to get it for me," or "That would be a good thing for Marcus to get me. I'll tell Marcus to buy that for my birthday." I can only imagine the wheeling and dealing she must be doing on the playground!

This afternoon as she and I were drawing animals, I was looking at a Pottery Barn Kids catalog for ideas on how to draw simple monkeys, giraffes and alligators. As she looked at our artwork, then at the catalog she said, "Mommy! I have a great idea! We should sell our drawings in a magazine!" What a little entrepreneur.

Then tonight as I was tucking her in, I asked her if she had everything she needed and reminded her that I would not be coming back upstairs.
"Why not?"
"Because Daddy and I are going to rest."
"No, Mama. You are going to watch TV and stay up late. That's what you do."
I couldn't help but giggle! She has it all figured out.
As I was walking back downstairs she called out one last time, "And, Mommy, don't forget to brush your teeth!"

I love that girl!


Linda said...

How precious!!! My day isn't complete until I read about your kids.

Linda said...

One more thing. Won't be long and she'll be adding not to forget the mouthwash! lol

Alice said...

I love this blog. Your little girl sounds too cute. My 4-year-old girl is very good about staying in bed, but one night recently she got up and found my husband and me watching "NCIS." She said (very accusingly), "WHAT are you guys watching? And WHY are there guns in it??" :-)

Colored With Memories said...

So funny! I just posted about some of the "painfully honest" things my three year old has said lately. Never a dull moment with a talking pre-schooler around! Love this post!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I love reading your children's sweet sayings. I look forward to the day that Vance tells me such things.

Joni said...

Your stories always bring me joy!