Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Overachiever

This morning the children were in my bathroom while I was getting ready for the day. I wasn't paying much attention to their conversation until I heard R say, "Look at 'deese shoes! One day when I am a Daddy my foot will be this big."

I jumped in. "That's right. And you'll be even taller than Mommy." (I am 5'2")

"Yeah! I'll be HUGE!!!"

Then a huge grin crossed his face as he continued, "But I'll still love you, Mommy. And I'll get up early in the morning to go to work and kiss you goodbye. Then I'll work until it is dark outside."

"Oh, are you going to be a Doctor like Daddy?"

"Yep! And a baseball player."


Mom of Eleven said...

Precious angel. J told me and big J the other day that "one day, I be a daddy like you." He then proceeded to wear J's tie around the rest of the day. Good stuff!

Amy said...

How sweet...D-Man thinks that his Daddy lives at the hospital!