Friday, January 18, 2008

Nature or Nurture?

A friend of mine & I were just discussing the need to "lighten up" in our parenting yesterday morning. Observing my P's recent displays of neurosis has solidifed my belief that it would be a good move in our family. He has always been a bit overly concerned about some random things (while quite underconcerned about others). I am beginning to wonder if he is wired that way or a product of the neurosis of his mother.

A few days ago I asked him (as leader of the day) if he would like his favorite, spaghetti, for dinner. He paused, scrunched up his face, looked down at his shirt and replied.
"No. I weally like dis shirt and don't wanna get sauce on it."
Overbearing, stain stick crazy mother perhaps?

Yesterday, as I picked him up from preschool, I was informed that he had experienced a complete meltdown in the restroom. Apparently, his pants were down, but he refused to mount the potty. Instead he stood, naked, screaming about the germs on the potty that were going to get him sick.
I think my feelings about public bathrooms are well documented. Clearly, in this instance there is a germaphobic, Purell-bearing mother to blame.

I know the old saying about passing on the "sins of the father." I am thinking there should be an addendum about passing on the quirks of the mother.


Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

What a GREAT post!! Trust me, you will continue to see your traits, in your children...each passing year.

Our children are 19 and 16...and let's just say...I shutter at times when I see myself in them!!

It's a good thing God has a sense of humor!

Have a BLESSED weekend.

Unknown said...

Kids = awesome teachers (when we allow it).

Good post!

Kim said...

Just had to jump in so I could be the third "Kim" to bizarre.

This reminds me of the friend I had in elementary school who got in a terrible accident on his bicycle and had to be taken to the hospital. The first thing he said when he was conscious was "Oh no! I've ruined my clothes!" I think it's wonderful that P values his things and his health. And the first Kim was right, they're going to pick up your "quirks." There's no way to stop it. ;)

Kelly said...

Oh dear - my children are going to be so clean freaks too I guess.

a portland granny said...

I just love your kiddos. They are so refreshing in their honesty. Thank you for sharing them with us through your wonderful, candid blog!!

I have been a lurker a long time and just got it together to join the google club...and since I have I want to tell you that I absolutely love the way you dress your children. They are always so put together looking, plus they are adorable!

I appreciate your writings--they are so honest and encouraging in the Lord. Thank you for sharing what you are learning as a mother. The Lord has given you a way with words and I like it that you use that gift to His glory.

Thank you for sharing your little family through your great updates. (I've been intrigued with multiples ever since I had my first set of paper dolls in the 1930's. They were the Dionne Quints)

Mine came to me one by one and through many unusual avenues. Children have been my life and I am so enjoying these multiple websites.

Thank you for making an old lady's day with your wonderful updates!!

Jenny said...

I can relate. My son (who is 8) has started being extremely worried about germs making him sick. He worries to the point of making his stomach ache. I'm afraid he got my point about germs and then drove it right into the ground!!

Keri said...

I love the spaghetti sauce story! That is priceless, coming from the mouth of a 3-year-old boy!

I'm going to have to claim membership in the Purell Mom Club as well. My 3-year-old daughter shows signs of picking up on that quirkiness just like your P does.

She also knows my strong feelings about avoiding people who are sick -- and being considerate to others by not spreading our own germs when we're the sick ones. Not long ago, when she knew my mom had a cold, I mentioned that we couldn't visit her because she was at work that day. My daughter's immediate response was, "Isn't she just giving her germs to all the people she works with?"

At least I know she's listening to SOME of what I try to teach her...

Trudy said...

Nature vs. Nuture is a very interesting question. I wonder about it myself with my children. Sometimes I think they're a certain way just from genetics. We often call it the "Dutch side" (little stubborn and particular). It could be taught but on some things it's hard to believe it's not just their wiring.

Maybe it's part of your Son's genetic make-up. I think it shows intelligence - public toilet seats are very alarming. Who knows, maybe some day he'll be the Chief Physician at the CDC. Then he can contribute his early start to his Mother.

Unknown said...

That's hilarious. I'm not a germaphobe but my sister is and her kids won't even touch a person unless they SEE them washing their hands after they go to the bathroom. Telling them they did so is not enough! So you're not alone!

Janelle said...

I have been a lurker for too long. I enjoy the journey you are on raising your three beautiful children. Thank you for always sharing your heart.

You are a terrific mother. One that is not perfect, but always striving to improve. I love your transparency.

I, too, am a Purell-bearing mother!

Anonymous said...

Germaphobic as well...trying hard to find a balance with my triplets.