Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Life is Never Boring

After school today I took the children to the Starbucks inside Barnes & Noble for a little sweet treat. Even though we were only there for 20 minutes, there was the obligatory trip to the restroom.

As we walked in R started reciting my public restroom mantra, "Don't Touch ANY-fing!" As I put P on the potty, R continued saying, "Don't touch any-fing. Don't touch ANY-fing!"

Meanwhile, P started asking loudly about what was going on in the other stalls. "Who is makin' 'dat sound?"

Just then, as if to investigate, K bent down and attempted to peer under the divider into the adjacent stall. I stopped her quickly and explained that was private, but she succeeded in directing everyone's attention to the feet in the stall next door.

P then screamed, "Mama, is that girl with the bird on her foot makin' dose noises?" (She had a tatoo.) "Why's she have a bird on her foot?"

I scrambled to get them out of there as fast as I could. The children suddenly discovered the acoustics in the restroom really aided in their singing abilities. I tried to "sshhh" them then realized as long as they were singing they were not I let them continue.

As I was quickly Purell-ing all their little hands, thinking the worst was over R screamed, "Good-bye, dirty germs!!!!" I know the poor woman in that stall must have been mortified.

It is a good thing they sound so cute saying "fwap-a-chino."


MB said...

Hilarious! Don't you just sometimes wish you had a little shell to crawl into when you are trapped in public with loudly speaking toddlers? I know I do.

Emmy said...

OK we were all (esp L) laughing so hard over this post...b/c she LOVES FWAP-A-CHINO'S!!! That is AWESOME!!! I can just hear them - I giggle as I think about it! Sorry I missed you this afternoon...W had broken his arm : ( and we were in that office forever! I also LOVE the Psalm 23...Beth Moore showed that in Atlanta! Precious...Emmy ; )

keri said...

thanks for the laughs!

Jennisa - Avery and Livvie's Mommy! said...

What a riot! I don't usually laugh out loud, but man oh man...the lady with the tatoo must have just been mortified! How funny are they? I once tought preschool, and we would write down all the kids "funnies"...I hope you're doing this, because they are going to LOVE this when they grow up! :)

Andi said...

Man- my mom has a bathroom story about little Jacob she just has to tell you.

I got that video too- it was too cute!

A Place For Ministry Wives/A Place For Me said...

That is so funny - I CANNOT stop laughing. Oh my goodness...I am almost crying.

Jessica said...

Oh, to be a fly on the wall for just one day! They are too cute! We are starting to kindof potty train and I just dread it b/c of public restrooms! Yuck!

Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

kids and public restrooms do NOT mix.

at least they didn't crawl into the tattoo-lady's stall, right ;-)

HW said...

Not to scare you, but around here, some of the little league fields only have port-a-potties...So when you reach that phase...beware!!
I had to take my daughter into one ONE TIME when whe was about 3. She was fascinated by it and wouldn't stop pointing and asking questions. When she was finished, I stood her in our van and stripped her down and gave her a purell and baby wipe sponge bath. After that I put a spare potty chair in the back of my van for such emergencies.
Also, that lady in the restroom could probably easily identify you by your feet when she came out. I bet you were the only mommy with SIX little feet of the same size following you around. Busted!!

Krazy Klingers said...

I absolutely love your blog! I read it almost everyday. I am the proud mama of a 13 month old and I read your posts and laugh but then I realize that this stuff could happen to me one day. Thanks for all the laughs, lessons & truths!

Erin said...

I bet she was trying to hold back her laugh. And, I'll bet she told everyone about her experience later that day!! Kids are too cute!! I love it!

sara said...

So funny! We say the same thing...don't touch ANYTHING!!!!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Oh my.....thanks for the laugh!!! What SWEET children you have!!! And, I can just hear them saying: fwap-a-chino. oh my...

Sallie said...

I am laughing so hard.. there are just not words to explain :-)


JamieLynn said...

how adorable! I bet the bird lady was laughing inside!

Pam said...

This is hilarious, Jmom. I've been in that same situation before.

"fwap-a-chino" . . . too cute!

Unknown said...

Okay, this is just too funny. You just have to laugh when kids are like that. Take care.

Erickson 5 said...

Loved this post! I have so many funny bathroom stories since we have been potty trained. Mine always try and look under the stall too. YIKES! Thanks for the laughs.

Erickson 5 said...

Loved this post! I have so many funny bathroom stories since we have been potty trained. Mine always try and look under the stall too. YIKES! Thanks for the laughs.

Terri said...

That is too funny and too close to some things I have gone through myself! I have four kids of my own and run a home daycare and sometimes have field trips to the movies and such. Thanks for the laugh! Laughter is the best medicine.

Alison said...

Laughing, can't stop! Priceless!

Anonymous said...

FU-NNY! This makes me think of the time my younger brother (when he was about 3 years old) shouted "What that smell is?", while in a public restroom with my father. Blessings...

Linda said...

Too cute!! I believe I know where every bathroom is in every store we visit. It doesn't matter if they go before we leave. Love that they sang. Isn't God so good. I bet most children have a song to sing yet us adults are often times too worried about how we will sound to others if we sang out loud. :)Kids certainly lighten things up a bit.

ocean mommy said...

That made me laugh out loud! I can only imagine how the "bird" lady felt! I bet she was laughing too.

Kids are great aren't they!
