Friday, December 14, 2007

Some Days Just Stink

I have been a quiet blogger for the last couple of days because things have been pretty stinky around here. I have been trying to keep it to myself, lest I sound like a whiny complainer...but I have decided to document our crazy couple of days in the spirit of "keepin' it real." Without further ado, a slice of the not-so-beautiful life.

My husband has been working like a dog this week. The end of the year is always VERY busy, as folks finally meet their deductibles and decide to schedule all kinds of elective surgeries they have been putting off. Add to this a day and night of trauma call and a particularly ill patient, and you get a husband whose primary address is the hospital...not his home. We love him. We miss him. It takes its toll.

I will spare you all the gory details, but here's laundry list of our life in the last 43 hours:
2 injuries (one bloody) that have led to limping, sore and grumpy children, 2 dead squirrels Mommy has been forced to dispose of because our lab was parading around the yard with them, a poop on the floor incident (that actually wound up being wet pieces of cardboard, thank goodness!), indoor painting, a Christmas package destroyed by our dog (I think it was a cinnamon swirl from Harry & idea who from!), a child who woke 8-9 times during the night with bad dreams only to move into my bed and urinate all over sheets, a down comforter and pillow, and of course, the regular 3 year old energy level and attitude leading to too much snappiness from Mommy.

At one point this morning, K looked at me and quietly said, "I love you, Mommy." It compounded my guilt to know my children were very tuned in to my stress level. As tears streamed down my face she said, "No crying. Dat's supposed to make you laugh."

You know how you reach that point, where all you can do is laugh? I did. But there were many hot tears, deep breaths, sighs, quickly uttered prayers for help (the plea was all I could manage) and phone conversations with precious friends providing encouragement along the way.

I am mindful things could always be worse, but I sure do hope they get better instead!

I am thankful that Storey, our sitter, came for a bit mid morning to provide a little relief from being the only grown up in this crazy house. It helps a ton! I have just put my children down for 45 minutes or so of rest and drowned my discouragement in half of the birthday cake we made last night for Joke. (Our high maintennance friend not only had a birthday requiring a party, but also needs presents and a stocking from Santa.)

I have been repeating Jesus' invitation, "Come to me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." So now I am logging off and plugging into Him for a while (as I change my bedsheets.)

Here's to a nice weekend!


Jessica said...

I just love coming over and reading your blog. Never think that you are complaining! I know from reading that you adore your children, but being a Mama to one takes its toll.... let alone three! The verse at the bottom brought tears to my eyes as I have been nursing a sick child back to health this week while trying to keep up with the little one and I am worn out! This was just what I needed today as I am just plain worn out! Thank you for being so transparant! God is using Lots of Scotts to bless our little family and I am sure there are many others, too! I hope that your husband can be home lots this last hectic week before Christmas and that your family has a Very Merry Christmas!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Wish I had something magical to say to make it all better....

I hope the weekend is a welcome change of pace! (And maybe your husband will get to come home soon!)

Anonymous said...

Take some time for a calgon bath and call it a night!

Take care and have a great weekend.

Sherri said...

We've all been there....I was there last Monday. I cried so hard in the shower that I scared myself. I called my husband and cried to him that I was ruining our children and that nothing was right for any of them. I felt like I was failing as a mom, wife, and Christian.
It it always does. I was dealing with some issues that Patrick was upset about, which makes me feel sad for him. On top of that, there was just a lot going on with school and other activities. Like your husband, Jeff has had an overload of patients at the hospital as well as home health patients, so I felt bad for him...just everything.
The good thing is that it all smoothed over. Patrick and I ended up closer than ever while working through his issues. As always, Jeff was very supportive and God seemed closer than ever...just when I needed him.
I did, however, scare myself in the shower :).

Big Mama said...

I am feeling you on this one. Some days you just want to cry and then you just want to cry some more because you feel guilty for wanting to cry.

Hope you have some clean bedlinens and a good night's sleep.

Mandy said...

You make me feel so much better when I read your words. I know your stress and how crazy life can be with triplets. It is crazy and hectic and wonderful all at the same time and I am glad to know I am not alone in my desperation sometimes. Thanks for sharing.


Fran said...

Sleep well good momma. You are doing a fantastic job. Every single one of us have days like this.

And, I absolutely love that Joke had a birthday cake and now requesting Santa gifts!!!

Peace and rest my friend~

lalalala said...

I know I've had a few bad days too (okay, more than a few). It always seems worse when daddy isn't there to vent with or laugh with.

Okay, so maybe this will brighten your day - my boys first piano recital:

lalalala said...

Oh, and I would love to send you a christmas photo! but I don't have an email or way to contact you. But they are on the front page of the Canadian Multiple Births website:

Take good care, and I hope you have a better day tomorrow!

Dena said...

You really did have all the ingredients of the perfect mommy breakdown storm. Husband gone, lack of a good night's sleep, pp on your sheets, 3 - 3 year olds, oh my!
I pray for rest for your weary soul - and soon!

Courtney said...

I am sorry J. I hope you felt refreshed and renewed from your time with the Lord. I have been there in that state you have described: different set of family, different set of circumstances, same emotions. I am thinking of you and said a little prayer just now. I hope your day has gotten better and please know not many of us consider this "complaining" but rather like you said being real and that is good for you and all of us! Hope that cake was good too...oh the Joke stories kill me! :p

Lizz @ Yes, and So is My Heart said...

Sounds a bit like my week. Daddy was gone four of the five days. We survived and occasionally thrived, but it was HARD and the ice didn't help. I had to take my fair share of Mommy Time Outs. You have my sympathy. Thanks for the honest post.

Linda said...

I can so relate to so much of what you have said right down to the Lab as we have one too. I pray next week will be better for you.

Lizz @ Yes, and So is My Heart said...

I also wanted to add that though I'm new to blogging, I've been reading yours for a while and it's great!

Unknown said...

Hope your weekend is much better. Some days are like this but what a sweet little girl you have. She sounds like she's very in touch with how you feel. Take care.

Sunshine said...

I love reading your blog. I am sorry the days have been rough! I will be lifting you up in prayer. Sunshine