Sunday, December 16, 2007

Getting Away

The fog has lifted. It was truly the Hand of Providence that my husband and I had an overnight planned for the weekend. I like to call them our "22 hour getaways" because we don't go far and we aren't gone long. Just enough to step back from this crazy little thing called life, catch a deep breath and reconnect.

This time we took a jaunt over to Huntsville, Alabama to see Sugarland perform. We are not necessarily die hard country fans. (Who am I kidding? If it is not children's music or praise and worship I haven't heard it in almost 4 years.) But no one can argue with the incredible talent of Jennifer Nettles. The girl can sing! My husband & I first saw her perform on our second date back in 1998 in Atlanta. How very far she has come since then! It was fun to sit there and think about the realization of her dream.

The concert was great, our seats were on the 5th row and we even got to meet Jennifer & Kristian before the show. It was nice to break out of my Mommy role and just be a girl at a concert with her date! The best part CLEARLY was getting away and regaining some perspective. (Uninterrupted conversation with the man I love and not having to wake up at 6am were not so bad either!)

Have I mentioned that quality time is my love language? :-)


Pam said...

How wonderful that you had a chance to get away. I really like Jennifer Nettles too, and I think she has an incredibly distinctive voice.

I have to admit I'm a teensy bit envious of your time together. We've not had a "real" getaway in a very, very long time . . . over a year ago, I think. I know how important that time to reconnect is and long for it as well.

I pray that this time was restorative and beneficial to bolster you through the rest of this hectic holiday season.

Sherri said...

I feel the same way when Jeff and I get away together like that. I don't see how couples go years without doing that. I just feel like we are better parents for our children when we take the time to connect.
I'm glad you had such a great time away!!

Courtney said...

I am so glad you got your time away! That is great! I so need those times sometimes and they always do come when you most need them! QT as we call it in our house is one of my highest love languages also!

jamie b said...

I got to see the same concert the night before in Columbus. It was my first ever secular concert and I was impressed by all of the talent there. My sister and I are sugarland fans and loved watching Jennifer Nettles on stage.

Now about what you said in your post today...we had the SAME experience in front of us. The alcohol was flowing and the "dance" moves were absolutely disgusting. I have a 16 month old and was praying during the concert that God will help me raise him to NEVER act like that!

I am glad you got to get away with your hubby :)

Aubrey said...

Oh, I am so glad you had a get-away! We live in Huntsville, if your ever this way and need playmates for the kiddos, let me know!