Friday, November 18, 2011

Temptation (with a side of salsa)

Tonight we were trying to decide where to go for a little Friday night family dinner outing. R was being particularly negative about every option we discussed. Finally, the other four of us decided on Mexican food. As we pulled into the parking lot of a nearby Mexican restaurant, R started crying. "I really don't want to eat here, Mom! They have tvs in every corner and since I lost my screen time (restriction/punishment) I will not enjoy my dinner because I will be very tempted."
He paused for just a second before adding with great drama, "I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT!!!"

I had to laugh--then pause to appreciate the beauty of a child finally learning a bit about self control--and the wisdom of trying to avoid your temptations.

I learn A LOT from my seven year olds.

(We did wind up eating there, by the way, in the back corner banquet room...the ONLY place without a view of a television!)

1 comment:

Arlene G said...

You have a fine young man JMOM...If my kids( who are grown now) had the opportunity for some screen time while on restriction would have voted FOR the restaurant with the tvs!!lol...