I haven't interviewed my children for posterity in a while. On the ride to Atlanta today to visit Grandmother (recovering from knee replacement surgery) I quizzed them on a few random things.
1. What are you afraid of?
K: "Nothing" (She is actually terrified of bees.)
P: "Snakes" (I reminded him that he just pet a snake at an animal exhibition Thursday.) "I am not afraid of nice snakes--just bad ones."
R: "Nothing." (Again, NOT true! For all his bravado, R is absolutely not a fan of the dark and/or being alone.)
2. What are you good at?
K: "Soccer."
P: "Video games"
R: "Sports"
3. What is your favorite food?
K: "Pickles"
P: "Chips"
R: "Healffy food and dess-e-werts, just not hamboogers or cheeseboogers, celewee, sandwiches or aspawagus."
4. What is your favorite place to go?
K: "Colorado"
P: "Willy's Burritos" (It was lunchtime and we were on our way there.)
R: "Colorado wiff our family"
5. What do you pray God will help you with?
K: "Nothing" (At least she is honest...)
P: "Self control"
R: "Being good at stuff."
6. What is your favorite Bible story?
K: "I like the one about the money in the fish."
P: "The story where the man finds the treasure in the field and sells everything to buy it."
R: "Zaccheus because in the end he sold half his stuff and gave it away."
7. Favorite color?
K: "Green"
P: "Green"
R: "Gween"
8. What would you want to do if you got to decide the activities for the whole day?
K: "I'd have picnic breakfast, lunch and dinner on our new playground."
P: "I would do screen time half the day and play without screens the other half of the day."
R: "I would do all kinds of diffewent stuff--sween time, ds, wii, play outside and even get a lot of diffewent toys."
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
K: "An artist"
P: "I don't know yet."
R: "A sports playa."
10. What is your favorite memory from your life so far?
K: "When we first got the kittens."
P: "The first day we got Oreo at the pound."
R: "Seeing the baby white tiger last year at the fair."
(I never knew we were such cat people!)
I love these little people--sweet and sensitive one moment, random and silly the next.
1 comment:
You have inspired me to do this with my 3 year old (we've been doing it since 2 1/2) and I treasure her sweet answers. Thanks for the idea!
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