Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tape and Glue

"You are kind and good and perfect, but I am busy holding myself together with tape and glue.
You are too much for me right now because I am busy with the tape and the glue."
-Miranda, Grey's Anatomy

For better or for worse, I love Grey's Anatomy. I have tried to give it up--more than once. But the writing on the show is just so good. The lines the characters speak frequently have me backing up the DVR for a second or third listen. Tonight's season premiere contained a few of those nuggets, but the lines above from Miranda stopped me in my tracks.

Doesn't it just resonate?

I think so many lost people have a similar heart's cry. It is not that they don't believe God is who He says He is...powerful, creator, pursuer. Our fleshly tendency is just to get so caught up in our attempts to temporarily fix ourselves and/or hold it together that we miss the point.

We mistakenly believe that God is too good to love messed-up us. We want Him, we just have a hard time believing He would want us, in this condition. He holds out the words of life, but we prefer to hold Him at arms length for fear He would reject our brokenness. We want to get ourselves together before we go to Him.

The truth is, God doesn't need us to fix ourselves before we come to Him. The whole attempt is an exercise in futility. We can't fix ourselves. He is the Great Physician, the Healer, the God of Restoration. We fool ourselves with our prideful attempts at fixing.

We get stuck in our tape and glue.

Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke 5:31-32 NIV

Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. Ephesians 2:7 The Message


Anonymous said...

I'm a follower of your blog through Google Reader and rarely get a chance to comment on anyone's posts. Just have to say that I LOVE this post. I keep debating about whether or not I should really be watching "Grey's" and sometimes feel that I should give it up. It's just a show that my husband and I have watched together for several years and we are strangely "addicted" to it. :) But your post is SOOOO true. I kept thinking as Miranda was speaking that all the guy needs to do is just stay there, just say "I'll help you!" Isn't that what God does for us? :) I was sad to see her guy walk away, but I do hope that it all comes back to her. Love her character...and I love your post about this! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Stacey said...

When I heard Miranda say those words last night I also thought, 'ooh, that is good writing.' I love your comments on it.

Another nugget for me from last night's show was when Derek told the mom of the boy in severe pain after the surgery...(This is not exact but what I remember) ..."This is not a dying kind of pain. This is a healing kind of pain." I love that. When we are in the thick of things and being refined we think we can't handle it. But it isn't a dying pain but the pain of healing!

Jennifer said...

Stacey! I loved that other quote too. I couldn't decide which quote to write about first, so I chose this one and used the other as my facebook status! :-)

Melissa from Puddin Pop Designs said...

Both of those quotes were excellent... yes, such good writing... and both stopped me in my tracks as well. I have also tried to give up Greys, but for better or worse I keep going back to it.
Thank goodness we have a God who doesn't walk away from us and our brokeness but, if we let him, fully heals us.