Thursday, September 09, 2010

My Random Life

If I ever doubt the randomness of my daily life, I just flip through the pictures on my iphone. Here are a few snapshots from the last couple of days in my exciting life...

This is the sight that greeted me when I peered outside my bedroom window this morning. A massive branch fell during the night and destroyed my children's playset. It is hard to tell from this picture, but there was once a fort, climbing wall and slide attached to those swings.

Living around all these huge, old trees I am learning that there is seldom any rhyme or reason to when they fall or drop branches. Last night was clear and calm--there hasn't been rain or wind in days. The branch was just too heavy and overextended.

P & K cried.
"I loved that swingset."
"Daddy is going to be soooo sad, Mommy. He worked really hard building that."
"Oh, no, we have to go make sure there weren't any baby birds or squirrels in there when it fell."

I love those hearts.

Tonight during bedtime prayers my husband said, "Thank you, Lord, for protecting, K, P & R. Thank you that they were not playing on the playground when the branch fell...." When he finished P looked at him with a grin and said, "Dad! The limb fell in the middle of the night. We never play on the playground in the dark."

Also experiencing a close call today was our male kitten, Boo. This morning while working on the computer, I glanced out my window to see him hanging UPSIDE DOWN from these ropes attached to the back of a workman's truck in my driveway. Somehow he got his tail and two legs tangled in this mess. It was a sight! (I do have my limits to photography. I rescued him before it occurred to me to photo document the incident.) Boo just used one of his 9 lives--only 8 more to go little guy!

And this one just sums up what a little man I have in R. I have noticed both boys have new, unique ways of writing his name on his work at school. P has cut his name down to just his initials. Every paper he brings home says "CPS." R has taken a different approach. I hope you can make it out in this picture...
"Mistr Scott"

Just in case you were wondering how to address him. :-)


Vanessa said...

Praise God that none of your children were playing when the branch fell! I mean, even though, they don't play at night. :) What wonderful little hearts your children have!

Kylie and crew. said...

Wait...P is his middle name?? His real name starts with a C? And to think I thought I had your children's names figured out! Ha. The swing set is a bummer...I remember you posting about the work it took to set it up! I'm glad it happened in the middle of the night.

storey said...

I love how they're growing up and changing in different ways but most of all I love how their personalities are stay true to each of them idividually! Love you guys!

dee said...

What sweet hearts, indeed. I think Mister Scott suits him perfectly! ; -)

Amanda said...

They are the best kids ever!

Aunt Boo!

Samantha said...

aww I'm so sorry about your swingset! That's awful!