Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gloriously Different

When I found out I was having triplets, one thing that I specifically prayed was that they would be free to be completely individual. I didn't want them to be lumped together forever, unable to make their own name/way in the world.

I purposefully refrained from ever referring to them as 'the triplets,' although I do sometimes refer to them as my trio. (Is it really any different than parents of singletons calling their children by a group name?) I wanted them to be called and known by name.

I was criticized by some for dressing them alike, if individuality was indeed my goal. Since they started selecting their own clothes, pursuing their own hobbies and interests and being in their own classrooms I have almost ceased to worry about them being known as themselves. I have three very different little people growing up in this home.

I am currently working on a plan to get the boys into their own individual rooms, but this morning I reveled in how their uniqueness is apparent even in the places where surface sameness exists. Look at those beds. :-)
Praise God for the way we are each fearfully and wonderfully made. Same womb, same life experiences, SUCH different personalities and functions in the 'body.' I love my neatnik and I love my rumpled one. I rejoice that they each add different spice to my life!

How wonderful to know that God feels the same way about order, your creativity. My impulsiveness and my husband's circumspect nature. The fact finders and the passionate ones. The homeschool Mom and the working Mom. Introvert, extrovert, single, married, divorced. The ones that appear to have it all together and the ones who are hanging on by a thread.

God not only loves us all--He delights in us!

When I walked in and looked at those beds I wasn't frustrated. I was delighted...because each one obediently did what I asked. Is one 'better looking' than the other, yes! But their hearts were both in the right place. And that is what this Mama values.

Our mothering may look different...our paths through this life most certainly are. All God asks is that we focus on Him and do what we can, with what we have, where we His Honor and Glory.


Sunni said...

You are so awesome! Finding your blog was a blessing. :) You encourage me so much.

Cindi said...

Oh how I love this!!! JMom, I've been reading your blog for months now, and I love every single post. I adore the way your heart leaps from your chest and onto my computer screen. The way you cherish your family is just amazing and is so transparent through your writing. And I'm certain your children are even precious more than you describe (if that's possible). Thanks for sharing this part of their life. I, too, love the "differentness" that I see in this photo. ~Cindi

Marti said...

I too praise God that he makes us all individual but loves us equally.

Denice said...

Wonderful post! That picture made me smile. How wonderful that God made us all so different, but loves us all the same.