Wednesday, November 09, 2011

A Little Morning Banter

If ever there was a 30 second conversation that sums up my little people at 7 1/2 it happened this morning as we were getting into the car for school.

P stopped and turned to me, "Mom, can you give me a good metaphor for loading the car?"
I giggled at my precocious little man.
"How do you know about metaphors?"
"You explained it to me once, remember?"
We thought of a couple of metaphors as everyone buckled up.
R, our leader of the day, had the honors of selecting what we would listen to on the radio. Usually it is a song from my ipod, but this morning he had a different idea.
"Mom, I would like to either hear Fox News or Jazz."
Before I could even respond, K piped up, "R, you are an old man!"

I love my little people!


Leslie said...

After I read this, I googled "metaphors for loading the car". What popped up? A link to your blog and this post. :)

Jill said...

You've captured life at 7.5 perfectly. My own 7 year old will get in the car and say I either want that 80's music or Jimmy Buffett, you know the only from the hamburger joint. She says they both make her happy.
Of course most of the time she just jams out to KLOVE, but sometimes you just gotta love the head bopping music.

Marti said...

Kids sure are growing up fast these days. They are little encyclopedias.

Melissa C. said...

I really had to LOL at that one. K's response was classic. Love this age!

Mindy said...

I love this!!!