Friday, July 15, 2011

Daddy's Eyes

My P went to the optometrist this week for his annual eye exam. It was revealed that my little guy's vision has significantly worsened since his visit last year. He is near-sighted with prescriptions now in the -4.50 & -5.25 range.

As I spoke with the optometrist about options for intervention, he informed me that there were none. P's eyes will almost certainly continue to get worse as he grows. It is somewhat inevitable. This is not a 'preemie issue,' but rather an issue of genetics. My husband is extremely near sighted--and P has his Daddy's eyes.

As all of this (which was not entirely surprising, but concerning nonetheless) was sinking in, I sent a text to my husband to report on how much stronger P's prescription needed to be. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear when I received his reply.

"My boy batted 90% this Spring with glasses that were only half strength! He's the man!"

Oh, that sweet paternal pride. P's loving father wasn't focused on his inadequacy--he was, instead, rejoicing in what P had accomplished in spite of it. A beautiful picture of a father's heart. Rather than focusing on the weakness, he delighted in his child.

It caused me to think about our Heavenly Father. How often I worry about my deficiencies, my 'handicaps' and all of the ways I fall so very short of perfection. I think I assume God in His perfection must view me the same way I initially responded to P's vision exam.
Oh, that poor Jennifer, this life test revealed that her issues are still significant...

But, I love the thought of His response being more like my husband's.
Look what I am able to do through her life despite her significant weaknesses. That's my girl!

Scripture tells us that God created us. We were His idea. He saved us and sustains us--and one of my favorites: He DELIGHTS in us.

"The Lord our God is with you, the mighty warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you.
In His love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17 NIV

A sweet reminder to stop being so hard on myself and enjoy the gift of my Father's love for me--to try to see myself (and others) through my Father's eyes.


Courtney said...

love this thanks so much for sharing your heart. you have a gem of a man....

Perri said...

Great perspective!

Renee said...

What a sweet sweet reminder as a parent and as a child of God!!

Jessika said...

Beautifully said. Thank you.

k and c's mom said...

He IS The Man, and you are The Mom! Great post.

Blessing Counter said...

Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing!!

Deidre said...

Last Winter God began to teach me about rejoicing in my children's weaknesses. If Scripture says it is in our weaknesses, He is made strong, then the very things that worry me or even aggravate me at times are the very things God will use for His glory. I taught a lesson to a group of women about celebrating our child's weaknesses for in those, He will be made perfect. This thought has encouraged me greatly.

I LOVE your husband's response. I want to be that quick to rejoice in the positive instead of focusing on the negative. Such a difficult thing to do!

Shelia Painter said...

You dont know how much I needed this today...God bless you and your family always!

Sara said...

What a beautiful post, J, and such a great reminder! He is sufficient for me - even in ALL my weakness!

LACH08 said...

This was so good and exactly what I needed to hear. I thoroughly enjoy your blog, and I always know I will be encouraged when I stop by. Thank you for that!