We have officially been out of school for one week.
Here are a few highlights, as represented by photos from my phone:
We have run necessary errands--like bulk shopping at our local Warehouse club. (Unfortunately, it was NOT free sample day.)

We have thoroughly enjoyed a new pastime,
Perler beads! (Even the boys are into this...great Occupational Therapy!)

K is thrilled with her new talent: finger knitting.

This was done in about 90 minutes. I love that God has gifted her with craftiness. I have always wished I were good at making things with my hands, so it is especially fun to watch this gift blossom in her life.

This was snapped Tuesday at our public library. R is wired such that every activity requires a buddy--even silent reading.
This was later that afternoon during a play date with friends.

The 'big kids' pushed the stroller while young L & C went along for a ride in the double jogger. This is the
very street in my old neighborhood where I took my trio on their first stroller ride. How quickly things come full circle!

Tonight my hubby wasn't able to join us for dinner, so we pulled a long afternoon/evening stretch at the pool. When I glanced across the snack bar table at my P and saw this face in return, I knew we had settled nicely into the Summer routine...no glasses, tan skin, easy smile and unkempt hair.
Now if we could just do something about the (literally) record breaking, oppressive 97 degree heat this early in the season...
Seems like only yesterday you had a picture of the three when you were shopping at the "warehouse" and they were all IN the basket together with some room to spare! Looks like a GREAT start to summer. Let the celebrations begin!
Can you PLEASE email me and tell me where you learned how to do the finger knitting!?! I know my daughter would LOVE that!!
Anne- I sent an email to the address you have listed on your blogger profile. Let me know if you didn't get it!
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