Seven years ago today I was in the High Risk Pregnancy Unit at Northside Hospital in Atlanta. I was flat on my back, 28 weeks pregnant, wrapping up my 4th week of hospitalized bed rest.
There was an awful lot I hoped about the future...but there was still
much uncertainty.
If you had told me then, that I would be on the sidelines on my daughter's first triathlon 7 years later, it would have seemed incomprehensible.
Today, my baby girl, who was born 8 1/2 weeks early, weighing only 2 pounds and 12 ounces, completed her first youth triathlon.

She set up her transition area.

She lined up with the swimmers in her age range. (Wouldn't you love to know what 6-7 year old girls discuss before a triathlon?)

She swam 50 yards before exiting the pool and sprinting to the transition area for her bike.

(That's her Daddy running next to her...more on that later.)

She put on her jersey, her shoes, her helmet and mounted her bike.

Then she rode 2.4 miles on her bicycle.

(Please note my husband running along side her again. It makes my heart smile.)
She completed the race by running .5 miles.

As she crossed the finish line, I fought hard to hold back the tears. I think I finally understand the phrase 'my heart was bursting with pride.'

P seemed to feel the same way. (For the record, R was supportive of his sister...but it was a long afternoon...and there were big boys playing football nearby...)

It was an extra special surprise for k to win third place in her age division. (In terms of full disclosure, there were only 4 participants in that division. We are exceedingly proud of her regardless!)

And tonight? Well, she is sleeping soundly and I can't seem to get this silly grin off my face. God taught me a beautiful lesson today.
This was K's race. She had to train, show up, swim, bike, run, push through and finish...but her Daddy & I ran a race of our own this afternoon. We plowed through bushes, took shortcuts through the parking lot, sprinted to get prime views. We worked hard to be on the sidelines in as many places as possible during her race--shouting words of encouragement, waving homemade signs, telling her that we loved her.
We couldn't run her race for her. But, we did our best to be as present, as supportive, as encouraging as possible along the way--and it made a difference. When she saw us, she perked up. Encouragement led her to pedal harder, run a little faster, push through her fatigue.

And we all celebrated in the end!
What a glimpse of parenting and our role in this race of family life.
Congratulations K and parents!!!! What a wonderful event for little ones - I'd LOVE to know the details on organizing an event like this and the training!!!!!
Congratulations to K and to the whole family too !! I am sure she will never forget your support .
That is amazing! What a special little girl! Congrats K!!
Ok... I am crying now! Yeah K! :) Oh how I wish I was at the finish line!
Your pride must have been off the charts!!! What a beautiful girl she is!! I can just picture you and your hubby cheering her on! What an awesome day for all of you!
Hooray for K! The first of many such victories I am sure.
Yeah for K! She is so cute and obviously a strong girl!
What a wonderful moment for K! As a Cross Country coach, I can reassure you that YES, all it takes for kids to run harder is to hear a loved one cheer them on. I have always told my team's parents that NOTHING provides more turbo for the soul than your presence and your cheers, and it's amazing how that translates physically. I suppose it should not surprise me since I know much of a mental sport this is.
Hoping for more adventures and races for K in the future !!! Great job too Mom & Dad!
Congratulations to your fierce girl!!! I have a fierce girl of my own who had an early start. Eleven years ago today, I entered the high-risk unit of Northside Hospital in Atlanta for what we hoped would be several weeks of hospital bedrest while my daughter grew. God knew His plans and she arrived on 5-8-00 at a whopping 2lbs. and 5oz. Today? She is almost as tall as I am and looking much more like a young lady than a little girl anymore. We are kindred spirits, JMom. Ex-preemie moms share a bond, don't we? :)
Oh my heart! Those pics of your husband running alongside her have tears streaming down my cheeks. Soooo sweet!
I am so excited for her. Please tell her that Aunt Boo says "Way to go!!!!"
Way to go K!
When is her next event?
This is just one of the most precious things I have ever read-anywhere! Congrats-K!! My heart is bursting for you! The pictures of her daddy there for her are priceless. I know you were all beaming.
aaawww, this made me cry too - they are so special.
Congrats, K - you did an AWESOME job
She has accomplished quite a feat. Blessings on all of you. congratulations to K...good job! She will always remember your support and encouragement, and the boys will too. We always supported our children in all of their endeavors. We are now supporting grandchildren the same way. Plus our 36 year old son is going to do his first triathlon in about 20 days. We will be there to cheer him on, along with his two boys. His will be a bit more grueling and it should be, but I will be just as proud of him when he crosses the finish line as you were of K....God has blessed your children abundantly. I cheer for all five of you!!!
The tears are flowing here too J. What a special day for your family!
Way to go K!!!!
That was so much fun to watch and read. The photo of her dad running on the side of the road made me burst out laughing!! I'll bet he runs down the driveway after the car when she leaves on her first date! Awesome story, great parenting. And I would be gasping for breath if I biked 2.4 miles and I weighed 8 lbs!
Oh jenn mom, My heart bursts with pride for you all! I wish they had had these years ago when mine were little. My husband has done tri's and I love the excitement and competition and just overall feeling of pride. Can't wait to see a post about *daddy running along side her*....she will NEVER forget that!
I love this post. I have read it three times and each time i cry! Especially that picture of her final run. What a blessing to watch the treasure in each one of your children unfold. Your family blesses my heart.
I love this post. Made me tear up! Good job, K! And good job, parents!
Great job K!
Good grief, I am tearing up! Ha! What a special time for all of you. The pics of your husband running along beside her make me cry. You have every right to be proud. Way to go, K!
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