Saturday, April 09, 2011

Masters Saturday

Masters Saturday is one of my very favorite days of the year--and it has very little to do with golf. For the last ten years (except the year I was on hospitalized bedrest with the triplets) my husband and I have had a standing date in Augusta. Even when we lived in Virginia, we made the trek back to Georgia for the tournament. We are frankly not that big of golf fans throughout the year, but the Masters is something special.

It is our annual 14 hour date, involving 8 hours in the car for only 6 on the course. Even though I enjoy the golf, it is not the main event for me. As a quality time girl, I really look forward to the child free 'catch up' time in the car. (I confess it usually involves a list--or a file folder--of discussion items.) I adore my children, but it is simply impossible to finish a conversation when they are around. Today we covered financial decisions, our family vision, Summer ideas for our children and where we'd like to journey for our next family mission trip. As we talked I was reminded again why I love partnering with my husband.

Once we are on the course there are no phones allowed--so we are unplugged from the world, in the lush Spring gorgeousness of Augusta National, on a real date. Azaleas, sunshine and pink lemonade certainly add to the overall feel of the day! As silly as it sounds, it means a lot that he still takes me, despite the fact that there are lots of male friends who would love an invitation. He still chooses me.

The Masters Tournament serves as an interesting touchstone for us, because despite how much we have experienced in the last ten years, so much at Augusta National remains unchanged. When I walk in I just feel an overwhelming sense of tradition--not so much of golf, but of taking time to enjoy leisure with my husband.

I think family traditions are often thought to be about the parents and the children together--and I am ALL for those! I love the idea of traditions among the parents as well. Investing in our union is an investment in our children. Having something that is 'ours' is somewhat sacred space that will return dividends for 'them' as well.


Lauren and Eddie said...

I'm curious about your "Family Vision." Will you tell us more? Not necessarily the details of yours, but how you came to make one. :) I think it's an interesting concept.

Jennifer said...

Hey Lauren! Sure. It sounds fancier than it really is. :-) Just more of an ongoing conversation about what we want childhood and family life to look like in our family. Missions, stewardship and service are big components of ours--so we try to talk about it a couple of times a year, just to make sure we are intentional about the decisions we make as a family to support those concepts.

Jennifer said...

I love the Master's too for the tradition. Our daughter was conceived after my husband spent the day at the Master's.

Love Being A Nonny said...

True so true! One of the very best things you can do for your children is have a good relationship with their daddy! I love The Masters too! The tradition of the green jacket and how gentlemen really are gentlemen! My husband is a golfer so we watch it on television...though being there with the one you love is priceless!

Jill said...

Love that tradition for you two! What a beautiful place to have a "date".

Samantha said...

Amen! Not sure you could find a more beautiful location for your annual date. Keep it up!!