Thursday, December 16, 2010

With Us

I have known L. in real life since the 6th grade. We never went to school together, but met performing at the Springer Opera House in elementary school. (Not opera, mind you, just community theater!) Since then we have lived these loosely connected lives that although we are a couple of years apart and never at the same school, keep crossing over.

In high school, L. spent a couple of years as a boarding student at the school my children now attend. Her little sister was one of my Young Life girls before I was married. Our husbands, although several years apart in age, are both from Atlanta and had a few family connections. I worked at the same bank as her husband in Columbus after college until he left to go on Young Life staff. Occasionally we wind up at the same YL camp and can catch up briefly in person, but mainly I stay plugged into her life through her blog. Lots of neat intersections and overlaps in our lives...I am thankful for that.

Anyway, all morning I have been praying about the upcoming school break and how I can make the most of the time with my children. At 6 1/2 it would be weird for me to be involved in all their games and creative play--and I have obligations around the home. Yet, I want to be present in a way that tells them they are important and I care about their world.

As I sat down to process some of my thoughts I saw that she had just posted. I am so glad I clicked over because her post cut right to my heart. Thank you, L. I good reminder for us all and especially relevant as we ponder the miracle of Christmas.


kristen said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I was just telling a friend this morning that I had all of my shopping done and about half of my wrapping done and I wanted to be free next week to devote time to my girls and just enjoy being WITH THEM instead of doing, doing, doing. This just completely affirmed that for me. I may link to this if I may. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Jawan said...

Small world.....I know Lindsey, too. We became friends through church connections here in Columbus (we attended the two PCA churches here and the circles are small!).

elizabeth said...

Wow! Really needed this! Thanks for linking. Very much what I am feeling as well. Merry Christmas J!