Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I had a rough day with one of my little people today. My R has always had a very strong, vocal personality. He inherited my love of justice and thinks quite logically for someone his age. As a result, he is the child that 'talks back' frequently.

I honestly don't think he intends to be disrespectful, he just wants to understand and debate my decisions. While I am generally a fan of explaining things to my children, I am human. I am flawed. I get worn down and it flies all over me to be questioned about my every decision. And, yes, I do sometimes resort to the dreaded, "I am the Mommy" response.

I will spare you the details, but we had a showdown before school this morning over the fact that I wouldn't allow him to bring a toy in the car. (We were already late. The other two were already out the door without a toy. I have an established rule about toys in the car being restricted to days when we are all ready ahead of our departure time.) It was really not up for negotiation in my mind.

So, R simply refused to get in the car. He camped out on the stairs inside--arms crossed in full pout mode. K & P were already buckled in and it was beyond time to leave. I calmly informed R that his choices were going to result in the loss of screen time. This prompted a very emotional response from him. That response resulted in the loss of more screen time. Unfortunately, by the time we got out of the driveway R had lost two afternoons of 'screen time.'

Thankfully, by the time we got a couple of blocks from the house we were back on track.
"I was just so angwy, Mom. I weally wanted to bring my tiger."
We had a little chat about it being OK to be angry--the trouble was when we sin in our anger.
Then I asked him another question, "Was bringing your tiger on the 5 minute drive to school worth losing an hour of screen time?"

He was quiet. He hadn't thought of that.

I was reminded again of the kitten in the tree. Then I thought of Eve and the fruit of that tree. We are battling a cunning Adversary. One of his greatest tricks is to get us so wrapped up in the here-and-now that later is not even on our radar screen. But don't be fooled--later WILL come.

I am on such a soapbox about this because I am currently surrounded by lives that are in complete turmoil because of this lust for the instant gratification and perceived ease of going for what feels good right now. I am not anti-pleasure or happiness by ANY stretch of the imagination. I am just pro-wisdom, self control, peace and joy.

I think this is why the new Katy Perry song drives me so crazy. As evidenced by its popularity, her 'teenage dream' resonates with people. They, too, want the carefree life of being young and irresponsible, getting 'drunk on the beach' going to a motel and...

I absolutely hate that the cute, sweet high school girls I know and love are beebopping down the road reciting those lyrics with gusto. I hate that the 'dream' Katy Perry is selling is, more often than not, going to be a nightmare of brokenness, shame, humiliation and lifelong emotional consequences. I wish the 'dream' could be one of laughter, innocence, purity, joy, peace, a desire for a fulfilling marriage and s*x the beautiful way it was intended to be...

I am well aware the world categorizes my thoughts as a prudish, washed up, Bible-beating housewife's dream. Why do we allow the Enemy to portray Christians as anti-everything instead of pro-love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control?

Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10


It is late. I will dismount my soapbox. :-)


Anonymous said...

I saw the video for that today (because my 12 yr old students were talking about how awesome it is) and wanted to cry. How are we supposed to protect our little eyes and ears and hearts?

I love your stance. We're not prude or anti-allthingsfun. Great point. Great soapbox.

Sarah M said...

I totally relate! Not only do I have some very strong willed children (particularly my 1st grader) that challenge me, but I resonate with your hopes for this next generation. I was refreshed this evening while discussing God's plan for the beauty of s*x (as you put it) with my high school discipleship group of girls. They felt like they were the "few" that were staying faithful to God's plan. I am so proud of these girls. There is hope for this next generation.

GE is me said...

I so often end up in the same position you were talking about w/R~ I've never thought to turn it back around~ was pitching the fit worth losing.....? Thank you. Thank you for being a Godly woman; for being transparent & for sharing what is on your heart & what God has placed there. I love that God has pointed me to Christian blogs & that he actually uses them to teach me!

Sitesx6 said...

I hate to admit that I recently (in the last week) downloaded that Katy Perry song onto my ipod and ONTO MY 12 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER'S ipod. I never listened to the words, we just really loved the beat for working out. I got to the Y this week and listened to that song and about DIED. Then you brought it up on your blog.

I immediately talked to my daughter about it, telling her, I was sorry for downloading it before listening to the words and that it didn't honor God in any way. I told her we needed to delete it from our ipods. I thought she might fuss about it a little, but she didn't at all.

I'm convicted to PAY CLOSER attention to what my daughter listens to. She is homeschooled and we are very protective of our children, but I totally dropped the ball on this one.

GREAT LESSON to learn, before too much damage was done.


dee said...

Please do not dread saying "I am the Mommy." Our former pastor once assured us that sometimes that is all that is needed. It is, after all, Biblical. :-)

KBroome said...

You are a great mom:)

Unknown said...

I love your blog! You have such a ministry here, especially with me :)

Anonymous said...

This was excellent! I too have a very logical and strong-willed thinker and have had many stand-offs like you just described. Your response to him in the car is teaching me how to respond to my four year-old and three year-old. And in regards to the Katy Perry song....I am right there with you. I love your heart on this.

Tara said...

Great post! Don't know the song you are talking about, but totally agree with what you said!

Keri said...

Oh my goodness! I hadn't heard this song or read the lyrics until your post prompted me to do both, and....all I can do is to sigh along with you. How very, very sad that this is the dream that today's girls (at least, the ones who don't conscientiously avoid such garbage) are chasing.

I used to be a middle school teacher, and hearing these lyrics brought to mind the faces of specific girls who, even at age 11 or 12, from "good" families, were already enamored with that dream. My heart aches for the consequences they are likely paying today for embracing such rubbish.

It makes me motivated to get involved in the lives of some tween and teen girls so that perhaps...maybe....God would use me as a positive voice of truth among all of the lies that they're hearing...

Jennibell said...
