Things I will remember about today:
1- A very serious R telling me at breakfast that he wasn't going to laugh or smile anymore "because big kids don't laugh or smile very much."
He went on to report that he "figured that out because yesterday at the pool I told a joke to a big boy and he did not laugh."
I told him that I thought we just need to work on some better jokes because I was quite certain it was fine for him to keep laughing, even as a 'big kid.'
2- Walking into the room to find K, P & R helping each other get their belts through the loops and checking each other to insure they were 'tucked in.'

3- How relieved I felt when my husband walked in the kitchen door to help me get everyone ready to go! He went in even earlier than usual so he could break away for the big send off.

4- Watching them each hang their backpacks in their cubbies.

I am looking forward to seeing my people this afternoon and hearing their versions of the day.
Updated after school to add:
7- Their very excited chatter about all the new things they experienced...including lots of choices in the lunch room. My normally sugar-intake-limited people couldn't wait to tell me about the CHOCOLATE MILK and COOKIES!!!
8- Hearing R exclaim, " I LOVE school!!!"
9- The fact that they were all asleep soundly by 7:25 (dreaming of tomorrow, I am sure!)
Updated after school to add:
7- Their very excited chatter about all the new things they experienced...including lots of choices in the lunch room. My normally sugar-intake-limited people couldn't wait to tell me about the CHOCOLATE MILK and COOKIES!!!
8- Hearing R exclaim, " I LOVE school!!!"
9- The fact that they were all asleep soundly by 7:25 (dreaming of tomorrow, I am sure!)
What a big day! I know it will be here before I know it for Sadie :)
*I* can't wait to hear all about their big day either :-) They all look very handsome and beautiful in their uniforms and I can't help but smile at the fact that they are all dressed the same today ;-) My guys are 4 years apart but they also wear uniforms to school so I like that they are dressed alike as well.
I hope you've been enjoying your day, J. And, thanks for keeping a blog. I am often inspired and convicted by your posts and I never fail to be amazed by you and your beautiful family.
What precious pictures! Praying all of you are having a wonderful day.
I was so hoping I would see some first day pics already! The one of K and Daddy just brings tears to my eyes. I know they are having a great day!
Today at my son's school, they had a "Boo Hoo" party for the kindergarten parents! There was a sign outside indicating -- "Boo Hoo Party," and they had breakfast ready and a teacher taking pictures! Very cute!
Hope they had a wonderful day!
Sweet! What a precious time. Have a wonderful school year!
What a gorgeous little trio!! They look so healthy, happy, and full of vim and vigor. Beautiful children!
May the Lord continue to bless you as you endeavor to consistently bring them up for His glory.
I hope you know that you are the kind of family the teachers love and appreciate!! I'm sure a teacher's heart was warmed today to see the doctor daddy had taken the time to come for their first day of school.
Blessings as you enter this new and exciting chapter in your lives!
YEA! So glad the first day was a big success. I prayed for them while I was fixing up my classroom today. I know your three bring joy with them into every classroom they enter.
Well done, Jmom! Your confidence and composure encourages theirs, and is a terrific way to embark on this new journey for them.
And i agree with dee, that last shot it is a tearjerker!
I've been reading your blog for a long time...I feel like I've watched your sweet kids grow up. I felt teary looking at the pictures of their first day of school- especially the one of daddy hugging K. So precious.
Thanks for sharing your life. I'm inspired by you to take more pictures of LIFE happening!!!!
Kelly in Michigan
Precious...just precious!
that is so sweet!! Your children are adorable and so glad you had a good day too, Momma!!! Mine start on Monday (one in First Grade and one in Pre-School).
Jmom! Love the last pic of K hugging daddy. Brings a tear rolling down my cheek, of how much of a bond there is between daddies & their little girls. :) So, so sweet.
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