Sunday, May 02, 2010

Love My Neighbor!

I am very blessed to have a street full of fantastic neighbors. My next door neighbors are truly a gift straight from heaven. When we interviewed for my husband's job 7 years ago they were among the three couples invited to dinner to give us a feel for the community. I remember leaving that evening thinking that they were people I could really look up to. 

Three years ago, when we decided to purchase our current home, the fact that we would be gaining such wonderful neighbors was definitely in the 'pro' column. The man of the house is a physician, who attended Washington and Lee University like my husband (although not at the same time). Ten years ahead of us in age, their four children range from 11-18. I love, love, love getting to watch a godly woman up close as Emmy braves the treacherous waters of adolescence. 

We are known to have impromptu driveway chats quite frequently--and Emmy's teenaged children have bailed me out of a babysitting crisis a time or two. As recently as this morning it was Emmy herself who came over in her pjs and sat with P & K while I took R to immediate care for a strep test (and diagnosis) since my husband had to work all weekend.

This afternoon her husband showed up with two huge heads of lettuce from his garden for us.

My children adore their family--and we do too. What a blessing to have neighbors who are so easy to love and love us so well! I hope God moves another young family in nearby some day so I can return some of the support I have received.

We make our friends; we make our enemies; but God makes our next door neighbor.
Gilbert K. Chesterton


Bailey's Leaf said...

Good neighbors are great treasures to have! We are so blessed with our neighbors, as well!

Melissa said...

Well we aren't neighbors, but I feel like you give me support and encouragement in my journey of parenthood and in my walk with Christ. I bet I'm not the only one.

Emmy said...

You are so precious! So sweet! You made me cry! You all are a gift to us! : )

I love that quote!

Mindy said...

SO sweet! What a nice tribute to your neighbors!