Friday, April 30, 2010


I refer to myself as a realistic optimist. I try to look for the best in a situation without getting too far away from reality. As a result of that, I have been known to use phrases like "When one door closes, another opens" in times of transition.

This morning as I enjoyed the May Day/ Mothers Day celebration at my children's school I found myself a bit emotional. Not because of the sweetness of motherhood so much as because we will be transferring to a different school in the Fall. Although we chose to make this move after MUCH prayer and deliberation and I have peace about our decision, the reality is that I am going to miss a lot about our current place. It was not a 'no brainer'. We labored for months over how to meet the needs of everyone in our family in the best way.

As I watched the children in the program celebrating around a traditional May Pole, dancing to a Hebrew tune about brothers living in harmony and exchanging their 'branches of May' my heart and mind were racing. I remembered that although the optimist in me generally focuses on the new door opening, the reality is that the former door indeed closes. No choice is perfect. Most things in life involve some sort of a trade off.
Much of wisdom and discernment is realizing that while some decisions in life are clear cut good vs. bad, right vs. wrong MOST are far less definitive. It is in the seeking of God's Will through prayer and surrendering, then waiting for a peace and moving forward in God-confidence that our faith is formed.

I am excited about what the future has to offer for us in the Fall, but I will really miss our school. It has been a very good foundational chapter for which I am grateful!


Ashley said...

They are growing up to fast and are absolutely precious. You will all be in my prayers as you move to a new school. I understand the one door opens and another closes all to well. Always bittersweet when chapters close, but the new ones have much to embrace too. Blessings from Texas, Ashley

dee said...

I love a May Day celebration with a May pole! How fun! :)

Phyllis said...

I can't believe they have grown up right before our eyes!!! They are so precious, K looks like a little doll!!! Of course the boys are so handsome too!!! Enjoy these times, they will be gone so fast and I know you know that. Your are such a wonderful Mother and your children and husband are so very blessed!!!
Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!
Phyllis in Texas

P.S. I am ready to take a trip your way and if we do I pray we can meet before the children are literally grown...LOL!!!

The Amazing Trips said...

"No choice is perfect. Most things in life involve some form of trade off."

Oh, how I have thought and scrutinized those very things this week.

Last month, after much deliberation (and even more prayer), I accepted a job transfer to Virginia. This seemed like the logical thing to do, given that our life circumstances have evolved in such a way that I'm the current breadwinner. And given that if I stay in California, in less than two years time, my job will dissolve.

Because this moved seemed imminent, my husband and I began researching selling our house, buying a new house, and moving our family 3K miles cross-country within the next few weeks. All along, in my heart, I've held reservations about this new job. While I am excited about the prospect of being closer to family, I've debated if perhaps it's time for me to give up my career, and for my husband to pursue his. Despite the wonderful benefits and etc. etc. that comes from working with a major oil company, perhaps NOW is the time to really focus on our family, as opposed to accepting a job that will put me in an office 5 days a week.

Last week, on the night of my 39th birthday, I discovered that I'm expecting our 5th baby - who is due on Christmas Day.

Thump!! (that is the sound of my jaw hitting the floor.)

What exactly ARE God's plans for me and for our family?

Isn't it interesting, the incredible timing? Just when I think I have it all figured out...

(Your children are so beautiful, JMom. And to be perfectly honest, whenever I feel settled on my decision to work - I'll come and see your blog and it makes me think, "Nope. I should be home, just like she is." You are doing a wonderful job.)

S said...

Even though I'm not as school anymore, it still makes me sad at the thought of you guys leaving. I know you need to start the next chapter in your lives but in my mind P will always be that sweet litte guy in my class. G has a pair of grey New Balance shoes that are like P's...weird the things I remember...but he is outgrowing them. Kind of bittersweet that the things that tie us, even if it's shoes, hurt a bit as we leave them behind. Maybe I'll buy an identical pair in a bigger size to keep the connection a bit longer! Hugs to all!

Shannon said...

Love this last picture. Your kids are precious!
Shannon in Austin