Saturday, September 26, 2009

Soccer Mom

Last year we enrolled our children in a preschool soccer clinic through the YMCA. They seemed to enjoy the drills, so we thought we would try again this year. The teams are divided by gender, so only the boys are playing. (K is taking dance.)

I was fearful that they might get bored with a real season of practice AND a game each week. Especially since the end of teeball season found all of us quite fatigued back in the Spring.

The first game was today...and although the weather was a little iffy, the kids had a great time.
Poor P did shed some mid-game tears over a yellow jacket sting, but the soccer itself brought big smiles. Both the boys scored goals. (And if you are wondering about the jersey color change, they are reversible...and we started out in the wrong color!)
We are still working on some basic rules of the fact that tackling is not involved...but it IS football season here in the South. Thankfully, R was not being mean. This is actually one of his favorite buddies. I have been told this is how males bond.

Teeball was a bit tedious. I am relishing my new role as 'Soccer Mom.'


Clementsville: Population of 5! said...

This is so precious and what is it about our boys and tackling?!?! :)

I always enjoy your blog, thank you for sharing your family. Oh and I'm from the Atlanta area, Peachtree City actually, but I do live in Tenn. now with my own little family. We are always in Georgia visiting family, that is where I'm from!

Small world!

God Bless!

Karen said...

Welcome to the club! :) I've been "soccer mom" for about 9 years now. Now our daughter plays in college, one son on the high school varsity, one son in travel soccer, and our 4 year old on the Saturday morning rec league. FUN times.

The one girl said...

My husband was a baseball player, age 2 through college. Big dreams of having baseball boys, but it just moved too slowly for our son's liking. He discovered soccer in the spring and has BLOSSOMED in so many ways. I LOVE being a soccer mom. Hope you enjoy it too.