Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Angel Choir

I learned an important lesson tonight as I filled-in as a helper with the 4-5 year old choir. I am barely patient enough to handle my own wild 5 year olds at 6pm--it is exceedingly difficult to extend my barely-there patience to 24 additional children that age who don't belong to me.

Because I was the new girl, I had the honor of helping lead crafts. I learned tonight that it is not just my sons, most boys that age do not particularly enjoy crafts--especially making paper dolls. Instead they broke crayons in half, scribbled so they could be finished, purposefully spread glue stick gunk all over the tabletops, rolled crayons off the edges of the tables in races, stood in their chairs and head butted each other.

Seriously, GOD BLESS children's ministry workers. It is exceedingly difficult to try to plan for and have crowd control over an ever-changing group with whom you have no disciplinary currency. Kids are not dumb. They recognize a weakness...especially if it is one that will allow them to go a little bonkers late in the day after a full day of school.

I also learned that while it is 'so great' that K knows how to be one of the boys...she was the only female actively participating in the tackling going on during the Bible story.

And I cannot shake the irony that this is called the 'Angel Choir.'

If you are a children's church worker THANK YOU for serving the Lord is this way. You are gifted in important ways that I clearly am not. If you are not a church children's worker, hug yours the next time you see them...or offer to fill in just will have a whole new level of appreciation.

1 comment:

Bailey's Leaf said...

I purposely took the task of directing VBS for three years straight just so that I didn't have to teach a VBS class. I've tried teaching a VBS class. It is not a gift that God gave to me. I'm a planner and organizer. I do not have the patience for that many children, let alone in that stressful of a behavioral situation. God bless them and many thanks and hugs do go and continue to go to these saint-like people everytime I see them.