Monday, June 29, 2009


Tonight I am thankful for friendship...for girls that I can sit on a back porch with and share my heart until late until the evening. To know they desire to be godly in their counsel--that they don't just think about things, but they pray too, to feel loved, accepted, understood and valued just as I am is a wonderful gift.

May we never underestimate the power of just loving people-- warts and all. When done in the spirit of Christ it is welcoming, restorative and SUCH a blessing.

Enough with the picking apart. Enough with the emphasis on how we are different. Let's spend just a little more time rejoicing in how God put us all together on this Earth to be parts of the greater body that love one another well.

True friendship is a beautiful thing.


Scott said...

To quote the Koran, 31:28, "Your creation and your upraising are as but as a single soul. God is All-hearing, All-seeing." Let us not forget that we were created from one soul.

k and c's mom said...

My same girlfriends have carried me through the baby phase all the way to those "babies" getting married now. Hold those friends so very close to your heart and life: it is the best gift you can give yourself and so God given.

Unknown said...

My "sisters of the heart" love me for who I am and lovingly exhort me to be more like Christ. We were military wives together 23 years ago, survived the teen years on our knees praying for each other, stood by each other at the marriages of those precious children, and now we are grandmothers--good and perfect gifts from the Father above!!

Erickson 5 said...
