Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Small Voice

Our bedtime routine involves a quick group Bible story/devotion right before I tuck the children in. Tonight's story happened to be on I Kings 19 when God spoke to Elijah. If you recall the story, He sent a powerful wind, an earthquake and a major fire...but God's voice was not in any of those 'major' occurrences. Instead, Elijah heard His still, small voice after all of the hullabaloo had passed. I wrapped the story up with a quick word to the children about how we must often listen and pay attention to hear His voice. (As a side note, this fits nicely with the theme of yesterday's post...shutting out the competing voices so we have some space and quiet in which to hear Him.)

As the children were settling into their beds, I was praying with R for our family friend Sweeney. He is currently hospitalized in Atlanta as he receives powerful (IL-2) treatment for his cancer. When R and I finished our prayer, P said across the room and through the darkness, "Mom, I think tonight when the girl Sweeney (AKA Mrs. Sweeney) is quiet and going to bed God will whisper to her not to be afwaid. Sweeney will be OK."

Before I was a mother, I would have never believed how God would use these pint sized people to touch my heart in such a poignant, powerful way. Their faith is so pure and beautiful! Lord, teach me to believe the way my children do.

UPDATED TO ADD: As I went to bed thinking about this last night and pondered it a bit more this morning, I couldn't help but think of how it was also a good word for the day after major elections. There has been so much noise on so many fronts for the last several months. I pray that now that the hullabaloo has passed we may be found faithful...listening not to commentators and Monday morning quarterbacks alone, but for God's voice in our lives. Remember I Kings 19 tells us that the reason Elijah ran in the first place was out of fear and intimidation. Remember what God said, "Elijah, why are you here?" Then He reminded Elijah that He was still in control and had a plan.

My candidate did not win, but it is not my job to grumble and question God. It is my job to pray, trust, seek His face and His still, small voice.

For a great perspective from John Piper, check this out.


Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

So VERY true! And we are instructed to humble ourselves as little children, have faith as children, receive God as children. You are wise to request to believe the way your children do. :)

Matthew 18:
2 And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, 3 and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 “Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 “And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

Kathy said...

Your little ones are very wise. What a sweet sentiment from such a young man.

Off subject...I attended your hubby's Harbin session tonight and he is one smart cookie. My mind is reeling with statistics, medical terminology, questions. I kept thinking that you were a good wife to share him with us on a weeknight (and election night at that!)

Love Being A Nonny said...


Though my candidate did not win either, I was reminded by that *still small voice* this morning that the same God who took care of us YESTERDAY, takes care of us TODAY. Isn't that encouragement enough not to grumble?!Thank you for your words!

Ann-Marie said...

You do not know me, but I read your blog. I found it through a friend who also secretly reads your blog. :) My candidate did not win either, and I woke with a heavy heart. It was so nice and refreshing to read your post this morning. It gave me peace. God is in control. We must trust him. Isn't it great to give it over to Him? Thanks for writing.

Kelly said...

Although my heart is heavy this morning, my spirit is full, as I know that my God is still in control. He is good, all the time, and no matter who our president may be, He is always my King.

Thank you for this post, and reminder that God is always in control.

Sara said...

Thanks for your updated section, JMom. I've been struggling with my attitude all morning, knowing in my heart that God is in control, but my brain keeps spinning round and round with the "what ifs." Time to pray and trust.

Aubrey said...

I went to bed early last night due to the stress of this pregnancy. I was dismayed at the CNN headlines this morning, as my candidate did not win. But between his eloquent speech and your reminder and a time of prayer, though my head is still upset, my heart is quiet and trusting that the Lord is in the midst of all of this. And it is HIM who is really my commander. And He commands me to pray. Thanks, JMom. And Thanks, P. Your encouraging words so often help my attitude.

Bella & Poppa said...


dee said...

I cried when I read what P said-how sweet! A great perspective from John Piper. Thanks!

Amanda said...

Thank you for this post.. you are such an inspiration to me. God Bless you and your precious family.

k and c's mom said...

My candidate did not win either. BUT: your timely word reminds us all Who IS in charge. And God is whispering to us all if we get quiet enough to listen...

Unknown said...

Hi. Am a fellow mom that found your blog this evening.

Can I ask, do you use a particular devotional book each night with the kids or do you read straight from the Bible. Just wondering...
