Monday, November 03, 2008


Recently, I have spent quite a bit of time with my husband discussing the importance of intentionality. That is, how can we live in such a way that our lives don't just 'happen' by accident but instead are the products of countless daily decisions to walk in wisdom and love as directed by God?

This could get far deeper theologically than I am really sharp enough to go at this hour, but the bottom line is that as the moral fiber of the world continues to change (and in many ways, devolve) we must constantly examine the way we live. Our barometer for 'right' and 'fair' and 'true' will often be different than the general evaluation of the world.

Just because something is technically legal doesn't mean that it's spiritually appropriate. If I went around doing whatever I thought I could get by with, I'd be a slave to my whims. I Corinthians 6:12 (The Message)

This has meant some radical decisions in my life over the last several years. In college it was the decision to not read 'harmless' magazines like Cosmo or Glamour because they made me feel like a weirdo outcast for not being sexually active. This Summer I felt led to give up a few of my favorite 'innocent' vices, celebrity gossip blogs that I read daily and the three shows I regularly watched on television (Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy & Brothers and Sisters). I did not feel any obvious negative impact these things were having on my was more a fear that the plotlines were gradually numbing my offenses and normalizing behaviors that I knew were not God's Will.

Please do not misunderstand me. I am certainly not judging others for the things they watch or read. (The log in my own eye gives me plenty to deal with--no need to concern myself with the speck in yours.) I still have plenty of vices, temptations and areas where I am continually reminded of my sin nature...and yes, I realize life would feel a lot less intense if I didn't think so much.

I am just realizing that as I let go of the junk in my life that is not adding anything of value I do not miss it. Even the things that my grubby little fingers had to essentially be pried from! Now that they are gone, I feel less weight, more peace and very little longing for them to return.

I initially resented this housekeeping God was doing in my hobbies and free time. I was reminded of passage that seems to sum it up:

"Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." I Corinthians 6:12, 19-20

I only want to serve one master: my Lord, not my whims.


Bill and Jenn said...

My comment isn't in response to this particular post, but rather your blog in general. I have been SO ENCOURAGED in my walk by reading your daily entries... sometimes they are EXACTLY what I have been pondering myself. Thank you for letting God speak through you and reach people--strangers like me!--all over the world.

Thank you for your faithfulness in directing us towards Him(even in the mundane dealings of daily life!).
Blessed by you in CA,

MaryBeth said...

More times than once I believe God has spoken through your blog to confirm a message I already felt coming from Him. The very 3 shows that you mentioned are the only 3 that I watch, and I've been feeling convicted lately to stop and just haven't given them up... until now! Thank you.

Stacey said...

i really enjoyed your post today. i have those exact same feelings and thoughts about websites, tv shows and magazines. it isn't always easy to put into words why we feel we shouldn't entertain ourselves with just doesn't feel right to be entertained by something that represents the sin that Christ died for. i know we can argue that it is harmless (to many people it is, and that is ok) but to those of us who feel convicted, it is hard to get past it. thank you for your post. i don't know how i came across your blog but i do enjoy reading it.

Kathy said...


found your blog from another. Enjoyed reading and just wanted to say that I live in Alabama and have 3 kids, including twins born on May 26, 1998. Roll Tide!

Christi said...

I haven't thought about it in quite the same terms, but intentionality is one thing we are seeking as well. For such a long time, I have felt like our days (and therefore, our lives) were spiraling out of control. Living intentionally is the best way to cure that.

And I think too much, too. At least that's what I'm told.

Timmarie said...

What encouragement! Thank you.

Sitesx6 said...

I've been feeling the same way. That I need integrity in all areas of my life. What we watch DOES matter..especially if my kids walk in, and I have to hurry and change the channel before they hear or see something! If I wouldn't watch it in front of them, then I have no business watching it behind closed doors. CSI can be very sexual,or gory- and it doesn't leave me thinking very good thoughts at night-right before bed!

I appreciate how you are always looking for ways to better your walk with God. To honor Him in all areas of your life....taking one thing at a time. That is growth sister!!!

Kelly S. (Michigan)

secondofwett said...

It reminds me of that song we used to sing in Sunday school many years ago...Be careful little eyes what you see....or ears, and what you hear.....I've never watched DH, but have been feeling convicted about Grey's and had just decided this week that I would no longer watch it....been having the same feelings toward B&S's, it's taking a little bit longer to walk away from that since I'm a BIG Sally Field fan..but I know it's coming because if I start to feel convicted about something than the Lord usually keeps working on me! Thanks for the post.

Hannah E. said...

That's a good word!

You're right - life isn't worse without some tv shows. Remember last year's writer's strike? Did it really make our lives horrible not to have a new episode every week? It was quite the opposite for me! I'm listening for wisdom and struggling to find balance about which shows are beneficial for me and which are not. But it does always feel good to say no to the ones I sense God telling me to let go of! I just let go of one of those you mentioned a couple of weeks ago, and it's encouraging to think that God has a REASON for me getting that junk out of my mind...He has something GOOD, much better, to occupy my mind and time. I get excited to think that He doesn't just take away stuff, He gives what is better. So that means He has a plan and is working in my life! Fun to see what it is.

Thanks for sharing what you are learning. We love it.

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

J - I've been working thru the same process - filtering out what just not godly or just simply takes the focus away from God in my(our) life(lives).

What I'm wondering - have you dealt with or do you have a suggestion in terms of - what do you say to folks who challenge your decision to let things go?

Mindy said...

I agree with you whole heartedly!
I also believe that sometimes God speaks to one person about something that is not right for them but might be 'ok' for someone least at that point in time.
I have been thinking about this lately: why is it appropriate for me to watch rated PG or R movies when I would never let my children watch them....the bible says to dwell on what is holy....and for the most part those movines aren't holy......
I'm not trying to add anything to anyone's list of 'right' or wrong....just saying I totally get what you are saying.
And what you said at the end is my prayer everyday. To be who HE wants me to be and not just do as I wish....I fail miserably a LOT but it is my prayer.

Andi said...

Housekeeping... that's a great way to put it. It seems like God is constantly housekeeping sometimes!! I too have been convicted about what I watch, even more so now that Sophie is often in the room with me. The past few years it's been out the door with CSI, many other murder/crime shows, Gray's anatomy, even Will and Grace back when it was still on. Movies too. We threw a bunch of ours away not long ago. And books... and, and,and. The list goes on and on about what I shouldn't have in my life when I stop to listen to what God wants me to have instead!!

Just wanted you to know that you are not the only one that struggles with this! It's so easy to let it creep back in (at least it is for me!) Be viligant!

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

Sometimes I read your blog, and feel like you are reading my mind! I have been feeling the same way lately...trying to get rid of the junk and being more "intentional" with my time and actions.

Thanks so much for this reminder to all of us! You always seem to say it perfectly!

Carri said...

I love reading your blog, and like others have said, it always seems that the things you end up writing about are things that I've been working on, too! I'm so glad that I happened upon your blog the other day! Have a great week!

Lori said...

What an awesome post and a great reminder to all of us! I love reading your blog. Thanks for being so honest and open.

Kyle Luke said...

Thanks for this post . . . I'm interested to know if you've seen any sort of difference in any area of your life as a result of your decisions. Not that there HAS to be a difference when you're simply choosing to follow God's direction.

Sara said...

JMom - I've felt led to do much of the same. I had to quit watching Desperate Housewives after the first season because I was so convicted about what my eyes shouldn't see or ears should hear, like the children's song that has already been mentioned. I watch very little tv anymore, listen to mostly Moody radio, and try to be very discerning about how I spend my time. I want to glorify God with everything I do, including how I live in the world and react to what the world has to offer. I think sometimes we get so desensitized that a wake up call is needed!

Christine said...

I am a loyal reader of your blog and your sweet, humble spirit inspires me daily. I love the way you deliberately look for God in everything you do. I felt compelled to delurk and write after reading this post. I too, expose my mind to ridiculous trashy gossip blogs and I came to the realization that I should not be a reader of "Perez Hilton" and trash such as that. It wastes so much of my time and it makes me so angry at myself. As a Christian, I shouldn't be supporting these awful magazines and blogs. I feel the same way about tv shows because I loved Brothers and Sisters. Their agenda was so far off from my beliefs and I felt so guilty watching it. I have become numb to certain things that I should not tolerate. Thank you for your witness:) Your children are going to cherish this priceless blog long after you are gone.

deborah said...

Hi JMom,

I also found your blog, via another and so enjoy your writing and your insights.

We haven't had TV service for about 7 months and we don't miss it a bit!

We sometimes rent movies that match our values and occasionally let the kids watch a movie or a small DVD show.

We have found the result to be more peace and less outside noise. Instead of watching TV side by side my husband and I fill our nights talking with one another or working together.

As a family, we play games with the kids or read books more. It's wonderful!

Good for you for giving up
something that wasn't producing the right kind of fruit!

Many Blessings,

Jenny Lynn said...

I'm so excited to read your blog each day because you have such clarity and intentionality in everything you write. Your "realness" is such a blessing in a world that is moving in the wrong direction. I am blessed daily when I read your blog and know that there is someone else out there that is convicted by God and works hard keep humanness from blocking God's work within us.

Mary Lou said...

You are so on target. The Lord is moving around our country and raising up an army of people of your generation(my children's age) to be strong and mighty men and women of the Lord Jesus. He too convicted me of watching Grey's Anatomy....I could tell they were all looking for that "something " to fill the void in their lives and sex just wasnt' doing it...imagine that? Anyway...once He really convicted me it wasn't hard to quit watching it..and this is from someone who used to watch at least two soaps on a regular basis...He finally took that away from me....they are far worse now than when I watched them, no excuse for me to watch them. When He took them away....I really didn't miss them anymore, they didn't affect my thinking I don't think....but I am much better off for not watching them anymore. You are such a godly woman. God is using you mightily...keep on what you are doing. Keep your focus on Him, He is our only Hope and true salvation. Blessings on your life and the life of your family.

Tee and Hubby said...

Your blog so blesses me. The Lord had convited me months ago to stop watching DH. I don't watch the other programs. I think the Lord wants His Body (The Church) to live a holy life and when we take in the junk on TV it hold us back from being what God wants us to be, salt and light to the world. The Church looks so much like the world these days it's hard to tell us apart. That is sad. God bless you for being so open and honest.

The Gang's Momma! said...

Well said. We're feeling similar twinges and promptings, and are working thru what the Lord is working in us and how to respond to it.

I'll tell you what, having 14 and 13 year old boys has really kicked my awareness up a notch. I'm noticing more than ever when there is a chasm between who I tell them I want to be, who they should be striving to be AND what we really are living. Creating a legacy of integrity has never been more CRUCIAL than in these days!

Jennifer said...

Who knew this was such a hot button for so many of us? I thought it was so interesting (and ironic) to read a news report today that Grey's has abruptly dropped one of its most controversial story lines.

To answer Beth's question about how I explain my choice to others, it really does not come up very often. When it does I just say something along the lines of "There are so many uplifting things to read, I'd rather spend my evening time relaxing by doing that."

Tara said...

Such great thoughts. I am often reminded of a sermon I heard as a young teenager that I can still remember. The minister said there is good, better and best. Even though some things may not be bad, we should always do what is best. Thanks for your words.