Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I reconnected with a former sorority sister this week who has 4 month old triplets. I realized that I can scarcely remember those days. Even as I flip back through old photos, it seems like snapshots from someone else's life. And then my heart got a little sad. I LOVE this age. They are so sharp, caring and funny! While I certainly still have moments of exasperation they are becoming fewer and farther between. WIll I have as much trouble remembering these days four years from now as I have recalling the circumstances surrounding when these pictures were taken?

I really hope not...but I plan to keep writing and photodocumenting, just in case.


Unknown said...

i have no idea how you did it ;-)

Perri said...

What a great idea - keep it up. Even then it was easy to tell the boys apart.

Kate Geisen said...

I always say that I have no memory of the first few years of my older boys' lives. I had two within 18 months and was a young mom (19 with the first and 21 with the second) practically raising them on my own. But that pales in comparison to triplets! Thank goodness for pictures and journals!

Miss Bennet said...

You'll probably remember these years better, if only on account of the fact that you're getting more sleep now. :)

Arlene G said...

I am putting together some picture albums for my three children who are 30,28 and 25. I have to admit to shedding some tears as I look back on those precious times. I value them more now than I did then. I really enjoy your posts on your three kiddies...thanks for being so willing so share your heart with blogdom.

Kimberly said...

I am trying to enjoy my babies and document too, but even though mine are only 4 months old I can't remember things from 2 months ago. It is very sad! Glad you are doing well!!!

beck'sthree said...

I was looking at this post with my 2 year old daughter in my lap. She said, "Mommy, look! Twenty-five babies!!" Aren't you glad she's a little off? :)

laurie said...

Sweet pictures, is it just a concidence that they are R,K,P in all the pics??!!

Jennifer said...

Laurie- It is mainly that anal me used to keep them lined up the same way in the strollers or in posed pictures, so that when I was old I wouldn't have trouble telling them apart. This was fairly easy to do before they were mobile. In the action shot at the bottom it is a coincidence.