Monday, November 24, 2008

The Elusive Gift

Each year it happens. One of my children requests a gift that proves to elude me. Two years ago it was K's request for a purple guitar. (Followed by the boys' requests for red and blue guitars.) Surely Santa's elves can just make whatever we want, right?

I am not a Mom that would stand in line for hours to get a certain toy for my children. I am realistic about the fact that life brings disappointment. Santa requests are hard for me though. We don't buy toys year round. Birthdays and Christmas are generally the only time they receive toys of greater value than the dollar store variety. Additionally, they are only allowed to ask Santa for 3 things. And it is Christmas. And they are precious 4 year olds, so I really like to honor their requests.

This year, P is child with the elusive request. I am turning to you, dear Internet friends, for help. P wants 'a remote controlled dinosaur that walks, knocks down buildings made of blocks and picks up other dinosaurs and drops them." And while I have scoured the Internet (including several minutes with P on my lap looking, too) we cannot find 'the one.'

He says he saw it on a commercial...but he cannot remember where. Any ideas?

And while I am asking for advice, should I let them ask for more than three gifts even though they'll only receive three from Santa? I just really want to avoid the holiday being all about what they want. I need you, gals!

UPDATED: It is not Spike or Kota, according to my little man. (I am hoping it is something less expensive. :-)

UPDATED AGAIN: Problem solved before 7am. (Here's hoping the rest of the day is as productive.) THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP. Ya'll are so resourceful! I went to youtube this morning and showed him some Spike videos...and found the exact commercial! It is Spike afterall. Now all 3 of the kids want one. (K would also like a real live bull that she can learn to ride like she is in the 'radio'.) I love Christmas! ;-)


Shara said...

I think he might be talking about this one:

My nephew has one. I haven't seen it in person, but my daughter has and says it is amazing.

Hope this helps!

Carrie said...

Do you mean Spike? Our Target has a display model that our girls love to watch--he's impressive!

Jennifer said...

It is not Spike. We found that in our search and it scared him a little. R, on the other hand, is in love!!!

Jennifer said...

And mercifully, it is not the $300 Tricertops, because I would have a very disappointed boy on Christmas morning! :-)

Ya'll are so fast and so great though. THANK YOU!!!

Staci said...

My kids saw this on TV and then again at Costco. It is amazing in a outrageously expensive kind of way. Could this be it?

Staci said...

Oh... sorry. I must have been leaving my comment the same time you were leaving yours.

HAPTeach said...

I was thinking of Spike too. I kind of like the idea of three gifts, it's something we might consider. On the other hand, my parents used to get us one 'big' gift each year and then lots of little things (cds, dvds, games, books, clothes, etc), but never went overboard. I think we are sticking close to this with our son. Because, as you know, Christmas is really isn't about what we get, but who's birthday it is.

Unknown said...

Could be Spike...



Unknown said...

Oh, sorry! I just read the comments! :) Hope you find the right one. :)

laurie said...

Try this. . .

Anonymous said...

Target carries a line of Animal Planet toys and they have had a remote control dino. They have "realistic" skin and move and roar.

You can get them with a cord or with infared.

Little Tikes also has a really neat dino line called BC Builders. The commercial shows several of the dinos knocking down buildings. They aren't remote control.

Good luck! I had a similar dino search when my oldest boy was 4 too!

Tara said...

I was thinking Spike too...he is kind of scary.

We let our girls dream big and ask for whatever they want, making sure to point out their top three because that's what Santa will try and bring.

My brother and I used to spend countless hours dreaming of everything in the Sears wishbook. And we never got more than a few things. We never got upset (that I remember) and we are now very giving people who see the needs of others and wish we could supply everyone with everything they need. We are also frugal people too.

My husband and I see no problem with kids dreaming of things they want. At various ages, we began to introduce the concept of not having room or needing everything we want. Next was the concept that so many don't have anything (home, food, clothes) so we really can do without a lot to share with others. That is where we are now. Our big focus at this stage is giving to others.

I don't know what the next lesson will be. Maybe that Santa is not real and we have to pay for this...not really, but my six-yr-old is already asking is Christmas free. She knows that things cost money and she wants to make sure Santa pays and not us.

We don't give toys except at birthdays and Christmas. My girls can save their allowance (they each get a quarter per year of age)to buy whatever they want after giving and saving some. That usually means candy since it burns a hole in ther pocket before too much is saved. So I think at this time of year it's okay to talk about what they want.

jeni said...

I just asked my son what it could be, and he said D-Rex. Hope this helps!

Jawan said...

This is the only one I could find that isn't already mentioned. I don't believe in luck, but....well, good luck!

picturesofhisgrace said...

I live in the same town as you. Santa has already picked up one for my little 4 year old boy at Toys-R-Us in town. They had one on display towards the back, on the end of the aisle where you find Fisher Price. You push the button and it will give you a demonstration. I have also seen them at Walmart on the East side of town. I feel sure it is Spike, in the Imaginext collection from Fisher Price. It comes with a simple remote control. Hope you find one!

picturesofhisgrace said...

I just now read your comments. Maybe you could take him to one of the stores I mentioned so he could see it in person. It really sounds like Spike!

MamaBear said...

I've enjoyed the dialog on the Santa requests. Hopefully you'll be able to track down the correct dino soon.

From the beginning we've tried to keep Christmas gifts from getting out of control, but by the time gifts are given to them from all the relatives you can hardly tell. This year we are sticking to one gift from us and 3 small gifts (under $10 total) from Santa (per child).

The kids saw Santa this morning and all they asked him for was a bag of M&M's. Maybe not putting an emphasis on gifts is paying off! (I'm sure no tv so therefore no commercials helps too.)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jada said...

Could it be this one? Way less expensive than Kota!


Jada said...

Helps if you include a link!

Michelle said...

Well, will they be getting Spike? My almost 16 month old has gone nuts over this toy for at least 2 months. I was never going to buy it for him, but my grandparents were trying to buy him something that he would never enjoy and asked me what he might like instead in the same range. I cannot wait to see his reaction on Christmas Day when we get to their house and he sees Spike.

elizabeth said...

I, too, have the 3 gift rule, but I do let them make their list of about 5 items. I tell them Santa only brings 3 of their items. The other items I usually tell the grandparents to get.

I am currently trying to talk both of my girls out of the "I go Poopy in the Potty" Baby doll they BOTH want. (Made that mistake last Christmas with two Baby Alives!) Not gonna happen this year. Santa does have his limits.

I love Christmas too! Tis the season!

Mama Bear said...

I think the 3 gift rule that you and your husband have implemented is wonderful! our son is only 2 and my husband and I have trying to come up with some kind of boundaries for christmas gifts, being able to spoil him with things he wants, but not losing sight of what the season is all about!

storey said...

i love having to search for the perfect thing! :) i will probably have a different opinion when i am a mom-i know we've sent my mom on a many goose-case for our crazy request. we always asked santa for 3 things because jesus was given three gifts. :) you can do it! have fun!

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Try One Step Ahead My First RC Dino, only $23.

Ali said...

I saw a Kota Dino at Costco for MAJORLY cheaper than the original price. I think any kid would love it.

Just an idea in case Kota Dino would work for one of his 3 gifts! You can't beat the discount at Costco! But, you might not even have a Costco in your neck of the woods and it is a membership Sam's type club.

~ Ali