Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Little Republican

This post is absolutely not meant to start any sort of political debate. This conversation was simply too funny not to share.

This morning I was observing R's class briefly through the two-way mirror before going in to volunteer. His teacher was giving a lesson about the upcoming election. She placed a picture of George & Laura Bush on the wall, then I noticed her placing a picture of Barack Obama on the wall. I was not clear on what the conversation had been about and why only one candidate was mentioned, so when R got in the car this afternoon I asked.
M: R, did Mrs. Wanda teach something about presidents today?
R: Yes! (His tone indicated alarm.) She said there is someone who wants to get George Washington's job!
M: Yes, there is an election coming.
R: I don't me-meber his name, but he has brown skin and is a boy.
K: I know his name. We talked about it in my class. It is O-vama.
M: Actually, it is Obama. Did they mention that there is another man who wants that job as well? K/R: No. Why does ev-we-one want to take his job?
M: The other man's name is McCain. President Bush's time is up. Someone else has to take the job, so grown-ups go and make a choice--called a vote. Whoever gets the most grown-ups to vote for them wins.
K: How do grown-ups decide who to vote for?
M: We read about the men and we pray and talk and decide who we think will do the best job.

We discussed who Daddy and I voted for (yea for early voting) and ended the conversation.

An hour later we were in the car again driving through a neighborhood and the kids were making a game out of spotting 'McCann' and 'Ovama' signs. From the way-back K said, "Mama? Why do they call him O-vama anyway? It makes me think of vomit. O-vama. O-vomit."

Oh my!

Tomorrow we'll have a lesson on respecting people in positions of authority.


Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

Given the emotional toll this election is exacting on our nation, I am glad to see that your children's teachers are talking about it. This particular election has truly stirred up the American people and our children, especially those who are so very young, need to know what's going on, why some people get mad and ugly, why the election is an important process, etc. And even more important, it is so wise to teach children that God has a hand in it all and above all else, His will be done.

I love the comments he made about it all. It's nice to have a laugh about things without a bunch of finger pointing. :)

AnnG said...

Kids crack me up!! Too funny!! I went and voted today and my little guy wanted to know why I was voting. I told him every 4 years we get to choose a new "boss" of the USA. (He is very type-A and wants to know who is "boss" of everything.)

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

I posted somehting simlar recently:

Isn't it funny how they process all that information?

Kate Geisen said...

After 6 years of teaching Kindergarten or 1st grade--and six years of prompting kids, "Our president is George...." only to hear "WASHINGTON!!" I was determined that this year my students would at least know something about the election. We have a picture of each man and have repeatedly discussed voting and their names.

It must have taken hold. Tuesday, one of my students brought in the local newspaper because the candidates were on the front page, so I read the article to the class. Before reading it, I held it up and asked one of my students, who is mentally impaired, "A., what is this?" (wanting him to be able to tell me it was a newspaper), and he paused for a moment and then said, "O-Obama."

Wow. :)

(And, for the record, they are able to name both candidates, though occasionally they call them "John Obama" or "Barak McCain". :D

Anonymous said...

Even as an Obama Momma who has already voted, I found this to be very funny. It is such an emotional issue for so many of us, and we need to continue to pray for the future of our country on a daily basis. It is comforting to know that our God is always in control, and our "fate" is not in our hands alone. Thanks for sharing your anecdote. Very cute.

KK said...

So, my little one (who is 5) asked her Daddy who we were voting for. When he answered Senator McCain, she asked if he was the elephant or the zebra...Oh the things children can say!