Monday, September 29, 2008

Be Blessed

We are currently experiencing a serious gas shortage in my region. This morning on the way to the children's school I passed 5 gas stations. Only 1 of them actually had any gas to sell. After spending a couple of hours at the school, I drove by the station I frequent and noticed they had apparently received a shipment. I found myself 23rd in line as cars waited for a fill up. It was a surreal experience. I came home and read an article that AAA announced today it may be this way for 2 more weeks.

The eery feeling in my stomach was the same one I had September 12, 2001 as I drove past the Atlanta airport under dark, silent skies--as all flights had been grounded due to the national emergency. It is unsettling for progress to appear to grind to a halt in this nation where we have felt invincible for so long. It is an odd reminder that no matter how 'secure' we feel there are basic needs that can cripple us. We are absolutely not in control--worldly wealth is all an illusion.

This afternoon I was out of the house for hours, completely unplugged from the news reports of all that was happening on Wall Street and in Washington. During a portion of that time I was waiting outside the children's' gymnastics class knee deep in Beth Moore's Stepping Up workbook. When I re-emerged from my carpool duties and was slapped in the face with evening news, I couldn't help but be reminded of a section I had starred and underlined regarding what it really means to be blessed. It started with a quote:

"Biblically, one is pronounced blessed when God is present and involved in his life. The hand of God is at work directing all his affairs for a divine purpose..." (from the Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible)

Beth went on to add, "Sometimes the circumstances of our suffering may not change, but the circumstances of our hearts are changed in the midst of them through a keen sense of God's presence and a lively perception of His activity. Blessedness describes the condition of a person who reveres God, steeps her life in Him and follows His ways. She doesn't just look to God in spiritual or religious matters. She looks to Him in every matter. He is not just the most important part of her life. He is her life. The result of this divine invasion is that the life operates overall at optimum earth-satisfaction, joy and purpose without the crushing burdens of self-glory and sin. In other words, her life actually works."

There is a lot there to chew on. We are blessed when we fear the Lord, not men. Let's remember the Sovereign, mighty God we serve and stay steeped in Truth amidst the chaos and frantic search for meaning in these times.

Be blessed!


Anonymous said...


Thank you, I just love Beth Moore!

Ashley said...

Thank you! Listening and digesting all of this world stuff makes more me more frantic, but I have to believe and trust in the mighty Savior. Thanks for the post! Blessings!

Carol said...

Thank you for posting this! It is very encouraging. I shared it with my prayer group.

Angela said...

Thanks for this reminder. It is my deepest desire to be completely fulfilled in Christ, so that the other stuff doesn't seem so devastating or insurmountable.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I am avoiding t.v. at all costs. (Thank heavens my blogs aren't on t.v....LOL) God is good all the time!

Sitesx6 said...

I'm so very thankful I have the ROCK in my life, who is in control of all things. Because otherwise the current status of America would cause me great fear!

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.


elizabeth said...

Ironically (or not so much), my mother and I were discussing this VERY topic this morning...and then I read your post. Wow. I REALLY needed this today. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Great perspective. I'm also in the middle of doing the Beth Moore "Stepping Up" study. Great one!